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Include a centrally monitored electronic metering network in the base building design that is capable of being expanded to accommodate the future tenant submetering as required by LEED 2009 for Commercial Interiors Rating System EA Credit 3: Measurement and Verification.
Develop a tenant measurement and verification (M&V) plan that documents and advises future tenants of this opportunity and the means of achievement.
Provide a process for corrective action if the results of the M&V plan indicate that energy savings are not being achieved.
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What are projects required to submeter for this credit?The answer to this question is available to LEEDuser premium members. Start a free trial » (If you're already a premium member, log in here.) |
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To meet the requirements of LEED-NC Version 2.2, EA Credit 5, we would like to use IPMVP Option C. This option is considered a low rigor option by the IPMVP because the baseline comparison in this case is with a group of buildings that are located on various sites and are supposedly similar in usage and type. In our case two identical buildings on the same campus are next to each other and have the same square footage, number of stories, size, orientation, type of use (office), the same owner and the same maintenance staff. The first building is under renovation to achieve Gold certification and the second building will be renovated in three years. It appears to us, that metering the two identical buildings simultaneously and using the actual old non-renovated building metrics as a baseline for the retrofit of the second renovated building, follows the intent, philosophy and purpose of the LEED EA Credit 5. In addition, this will give an incentive to the owner to continue with the renovation of the second building when energy savings are evaluated during the first year of operation. Is the use of the IPMVP Option C acceptable in this particular case?
The applicant is requesting approval to develop a Measurement and Verification (M&V) plan based on IPMVP Option C. While it appears that the baseline building will more accurately represent the proposed building than most projects conducting M&V using IPMVP Option C, the proposed approach is not acceptable. Only whole-building level performance can be measured using IPMVP Option C. IPMVP Options B and D, in addition to being more accurate, allow for the measurement and verification of performance of each energy conservation measurement (ECM). Applicable Internationally.
I have a project consisting of one hotel and 24 chalet, we are attempting EAc5 monitoring and verification under LEED NC V 2.2 The project will be operated by one operator which will be responsible of all operational issues, such as housekeeping, food and beverage, maintenance ,.etc. The project is being supplied by its need from electricity, from one substation installed specifically for this project, also the gas and water will be supplied from one main gas and water tanks installed specifically for this project. Hence, the operator will pay against the energy and water consumption for the whole project, while the guests of the chalets will not be charged for their energy and water consumption since it will be covered in the main charge which they are paying. The buildings (chalets) are simple buildings, and the project team determined to follow option B as specified in the International Performance Monitoring and Verification Protocol IPMVP to develop the M&V plan and meeting the intent of this credit. The question is: To meet the intent of this credit, can the project team consider installing one main energy meter for each type of energy (electricity, Gas and water)? knowing that the M&V plan will be created and implemented as required.
Based on the description of the project, installing one main energy meter for each utility (water, electricity, gas, etc.) servicing the entire project would be acceptable, as long as all of the systems affecting an energy conservation measure (ECM) are capable of being fully measured on a continuous or periodic basis. In addition, please note that the metering, measurement (without stipulation) and verification protocols listed in the M&V plan must conform to guidance offered under IPMVP Option A&B (Sections 4.2 through 4.3.1). Applicable Internationally.
Our question pertains to is a mixed use residential - commercial highrise; 15 stories, 159,646 GSF total; 147,364 GSF housing, 46,994 GSF parking below grade; 4,204 GSF retail at the ground floor. Our M&V plan was developed in accordance with the IPMVP Option D. Energy savings calculations are to be validated by calibrating the original energy simulation model developed for projecting savings during design of the project. This calibration will be accomplished by using information from the following sources: Permanently installed metering: monthly gas and electric utility billing data and key submetered gas and electric end-uses. This will enable accounting of domestic hot water energy, heating energy, cooling energy consumption, and on-site energy production. Baseline measurements on public area electrical lighting loads that will be effected by lighting control strategies to verify baseline energy loads. Periodic temporary metering: periodic metering using data loggers to confirm actual electrical energy consumption by lighting in public areas effected by lighting control strategies. Sampling of residential lighting using a strategy based on the California HERS sampling strategy. In the preparation of the M&V plan we have concentrated our effort on the specification of sufficient data to provide adequate tools for the future verification energy modeler. The engineering calculations, operational estimates, utility meter-billing analysis, statistical sampling methods, metering and monitoring techniques outlined in this plan are commonly used sources of information used to perform the analysis prescribed by the Option D protocol, demonstrating compliance with the credit requirements. Please confirm that the plan as described plan satisfies the intent of EAc5. Thank you.
Your M&V approach is acceptable for EAc5. The protocol described aligns with the intent and requirements of the credit. Make sure to submit a complete M&V plan in the LEED certification submittal. Applicable Internationally.
Question: Will the following M&V components meet the EAc5 requirements for a lab building (sophisticated owner)? The 6-story building (consistent floor layout) contains labs, offices, conference rooms (~170,000 s.f.) A Central Utility Building (CUB), not a part of submission, provides chilled water and steam to the building. A Building Automation System (BAS) monitors and controls the building . The majority of calibration data is gathered by BAS, however other approaches for data collection (CIR Ruling 10/26/2005) are being implemented (described below). The sophisticated owner\'s (operates numerous lab buildings & acting commissioning agent) approach is Option D of 2001 (IPMVP) Volume I & III incorporating: energy model Collection of calibration data - 12 months Incorporate data into energy model Calibrate simulation data Use calibrated energy model to assist facilities Collection of Calibration Data - Required M&V categories 1&2- Lighting Systems & Controls & Building related process energy and equipment The master panels incorporate smart breakers that provide numerous metrics for evaluation of the different sets of sub-panels servicing banks of labs and other spaces. The sub panels are divided primarily by space type so therefore incorporate both lighting and process energy. To isolate these loads spot meters will be incorporated so that data can be collected on a monthly basis. By subtracting this load from the overall loads from the smart meters the process energy can be isolated. The control system will monitor the Lighting Systems & Controls: All lighting circuits routed through this system Occupancy sensors and photocells BAS can communicate with it and share all monitoring points The activity of the occupancy sensors and photocells are also trended through the BAS to provide additional diagnostic capability to assist trouble shooting. Option B - A proposed alternative to the above (that requires a significant number of spot meters) a set of typical spaces (ex. Lab) will be metered using portable instrumentation for a period of time (ex. Month per season) to identify relevant information about the different loads and uses within the space to establish trends and refine performance. 3 - Constant and Variable Motor Loads The BAS has two main power meters for each of the feeds into the building that are capable of trending consumption (kWh) and demand (kW). The motors that are metered comprise ~90% of the modeled motor use identified by the energy model results. Metering each motor for the project was cost prohibitive. 4 - Variable Frequency Drive Operation (VFD) The BAS controls the VFD operation and trends their operation (% speed). 5 - Chiller Efficiency at variable loads (kW/ton) The chiller control panel in the CUB is capable of calculating the efficiency real time and sharing it with the BAS for the units that are servicing the building. 6 - Cooling load The BAS monitors both the Cooling GPM and supply/return temperatures for the building at the CUB. The cooling load for the Science Center is calculated by these points outside of the BAS, which is calculating the loads for the building and other buildings, and trended by the BAS. 7 - Air and water economizer and heat recovery cycles The BAS controls/monitors the outside air (OA) damper operation, OA temperature, and supply air temperature. The chiller operation is in summer mode only (control panel linked to the BAS and can provide feedback on the chillers serving the building, and their capacity of use) Heat recovery - the air and water temperatures in/out of the coils are controlled/monitored by the BAS, which can are trended to display that heat recovery is occurring. 8 - Air distribution static pressures and ventilation air volumes The flow rates and static pressure (SP) for the main supply air volume for each unit are measured via the BAS. 9 - Boiler efficiencies The boiler control panel measures the boiler efficiency and reports this information to the BAS. 10 - Indoor water risers and outdoor irrigation systems All of the water supplied to the Science Center is from the Central Utility Building (CUB). A meter will be installed to measure the overall quantity of the water being supplied to building. The (5) end uses for the water will be metered and calculated as follows: o RODI - meter o Lab and Non-potable - meter o Kitchen - meter o Irrigation - meter o Building Potable - calculation - quantities from all of the meters above will be summed and subtracted from the overall quantity meter.
The proposed approach to measurement and verification of the lab building described above using the BAS, spot metering process loads, and metering water use is acceptable. However, this does not constitute approval of your M&V plan, which is done through the review process. Please note that for LEED-NC v2.2, the correct version of IPMVP is Volume III: Concepts and Options for Determining Energy Savings in New Construction, April, 2003. Please also note that addressing only the ten end-uses above is a LEED-NC v2.1 requirement. The end use metering will depend on the building design and the sophistication of the energy simulation.
Our project is a multiple buildings project on a historic site in California. This proposal requests approval of the following Measurement and Verification (M&V) approach for this project to satisfy LEED-NCv2.2 AGMBC EA credit 5. The project scope covers 34 buildings in total with a mix of new construction and renovation. Features of the building systems include, but are not limited to, the following: New Lodging (13 buildings): in-floor radiant heating toilet exhaust fans boiler, pumps, expansion tanks HVAC controls gas fireplace inserts domestic water systems lighting controls split-system air-cooled DX heat pumps (in 2 of the buildings only) New Healing Arts Center (HAC) building: in-floor radiant heating & cooling toilet exhaust fans boiler, pumps, expansion tanks chiller heat recovery ventilator fan coils relief air system radiant ceiling panels hydronic panel radiators HVAC controls domestic water systems lighting controls fire/smoke dampers Historic Buildings 547, 549, 546: gas-fired duct furnace exhaust fans domestic water systems lighting controls HVAC controls Historic residential buildings (15 buildings): boiler, pumps, expansion tanks radiators, hydronic & gas-radiant exhaust fans radiant ceiling panels domestic water systems lighting controls HVAC controls Historic common buildings (5 buildings): boiler, pumps, expansion tanks boiler power ventilators radiators exhaust fans make-up air units split-system air-cooled DX heat pumps relief air system fire/smoke dampers unit heaters HVAC control The project team, in working with the owner, has identified that the best approach to perform M&V on this project will be to use Option B. However instead of developing an M&V plan per building as prescribed by the IPMVP Volume 3, the project team intends to develop a single M&V plan based on system type. This reduces the number of M&V plans generated to drop from 34 (at one per building) to 6 (one per system type and one variation) as identified below - 1. In-floor radiant heating systems 2. In-floor radiant heating systems with DX cooling 3. In floor radiant heating and cooling systems with heat recovery ventilators 4. Gas-fired duct furnaces 5. Radiators and gas radiant heating system 6. Hydronic radiators combined with air-cooled DX heat pumps The following items will be included as standard elements to all M&V plans - 1. All auxiliary energy consuming equipment attached to any system as applicable 2. HVAC control points and controls applicable to each system In addition to the above mentioned inclusions, the team will also generate a separate system level plan to address - 1. All lighting system and lighting controls 2. Water consumption - split by domestic and heating water 3. Gas consumption for fire place inserts. As a general guideline all M&V plans will cover all aspects of the sections 3.2 and 4.3 of the IPMVP Volume III (2003). Given the unique nature of this project (historical, 34 buildings) the owner requests the USGBC\'s permission to use this alternative compliance path. The proposed approach is the most effective (cost and performance) means to capture data that supports systems evaluation and building operation decisions.
The approach described to achieve EAc5 across the 34-building complex is acceptable in the context of Option B. Although it is implicit in your description, be sure to explain in detail in your M&V Plan how your metering approach will enable investigation at the building level. In other words, while your plans may be organized at the system level, you will need to be able to isolate lighting loads at each building, for example.Update April 15, 2011: Please note that all 2009 projects in multiple building situations must follow the 2010 Application Guide for Multiple Buildings and On-Campus Building Projects, located here: 2009 project teams should check this document for up to date guidance on all multiple building issues.
The statements of the IPMVP Volume III regarding Option D leave considerable room for interpretation. For example, Section 4.5.5 states, "parameters that change daily or hourly may warrant continuous metering." Individual task lights are an example of a modeled energy use that would likely change on an hourly basis. However, on average the task lighting may remain relatively stable when viewed at a whole building level. The term "may" is subject to interpretation by reviewers since some may interpret it to be a requirement, i.e., "shall", while others merely a suggestion. Additionally, the IPVMP does not stipulate at what level the continuous metering shall be installed. Our project is an office building that receives electricity, chilled water, and steam from a campus central energy plant. In anticipation of utilizing Option D of the IPVMP, our project plans to meter energy and water end use as follows: - Domestic water meter measuring flow in gallons per minute - Steam flow meter for building heating and domestic hot water measuring in pounds per hour - Chiller water flow meter measuring building cooling demand in gallons per minute and temperature change, i.e., BTU meter - Individual air handling unit VFDs measuring motor speed, motor current, output voltage and output frequency - Power meters at the main switchgear measuring volts, amperes, watts, volt-amperes, VARS, kilowatt-hours VAR-hours, demand kilowatts, power factor, frequency and harmonic distortion - Power meters at the distribution panelboards on each floor measuring volt, amperes, watts, volt-amperes, VARS, demand kilowatts and power factor Our project does not plan to individually meter any of the following energy end uses: - Lighting panels (lighting control system will monitor operating hours) - Task lighting - Process energy (office equipment, elevators, etc.) - Constant speed pump motors (DDC system will monitor runtime) Does this metering plan appear to meet the intent and requirements of the IPVMP Volume III and EA Credit 5? If not, what modifications are required to comply with the intent of the credit?
The applicant is requesting guidance for determining the extent of individually metering needed to provide the necessary feedback for calibrating their as-built energy model (IPMVP Vol. III, Option D). Based on the description provided, it is not possible to make a determination if the metering plan fully satisfies the intent and requirements of IPVMP Volume III. While it appears that many of the end-uses and systems are sub-metered and the information will be necessary for calibrating the energy model, it should be noted that it is not necessary to sub-meter everything. Assess the level of metering to do the calibration. Since the task lighting is highly variable and a direct product of occupancy, as opposed to scheduled operations, it would be acceptable that the task lighting anticipated energy use be stipulated, as offered in IPMVP Vol. III Section 4.5.3. For EAc5 compliance, the M&V plan should address the methods and approaches that seem most appropriate for measuring and verifying energy use under IPMVP Option D. Applicable internationally.
Is it acceptable for LEED NC 2.2 EAc5 M&V Plans to follow the concepts of the IPMVP but limit the savings analysis in an effort to control costs, if they provide ongoing accountability and meet or exceed owners\' M&V objectives?
Meeting the owner\'s requirements and providing ongoing accountability of energy consumption alone do not satisfy the credit requirements. The M&V plan provided must be consistent with either Option B or Option D of IPMVP regardless of cost of implementation. Applicable internationally.
To meet the requires of LEED-NC Version 2.2, EA Credit 5, are there any end uses that require continuously metering when IPMVP Option D is used? Specifically the end uses required under LEED-NC Version 2.1 were: 1. Lighting systems and controls 2. Constant and variable load motors 3. Variable frequency drive (VFD) operation 4. Chiller efficiency at variable loads (kW/ton) 5. Cooling load 6. Air and water economizer and heat recovery cycles 7. Air distribution static pressure and ventilation air volumes 8. Boiler efficiencies 9. Building-related process energy systems and equipment 10.Indoor water risers and outdoor irrigation systems Or, can these end uses be captured as an aggregate at the utility meter?
The CIR is inquiring as to which end uses require continuous metering when using IPMVP Option D. The end use metering will depend on the building design and the sophistication of the energy simulation. The IPMVP Volume III Section 4.5.5 provides guidance on this issue, stating, "parameters that change daily or hourly may warrant continuous metering," while allowing that a parameter which is not expected to change may be measured after installation and then periodically to verify it is remaining constant. The amount of sub-metering of systems should allow for direct comparison between metered and simulated energy use, as indicated in IPMVP Volume III Section 4.5.2. Applicable Internationally.
EAc5.2: Requirement: Include a centrally monitored electronic metering network in the base building design that is capable of being expanded to accommodate the future tenant sub-metering as required by LEED for Commercial Interiors Rating System Credit EA3. Also develop a tenant M&V plan that documents and advises future tenants of this opportunity and the means of their achievement. Intent: Provide for ongoing accountability of building electricity consumption performance over time. THE APPROACH: For EAc5.2: LEED Core & Shell credit EAc5.2 references LEED CI EAc3, for which we will account for both Case A & Case B situations (but only providing for the capability of electrical energy monitoring). This project will have the capability & physical space needed to sub-meter the majority of tenant electrical usage. The tenant will have the ability to expand their metering so that their electrical use for lights, vav\'s, piu\'s, and receptacles can be monitored. However, the monitoring of the electricity to run the RTUs for space heating and cooling will be handled differently as there is no way to directly account for each individual tenant\'s electrical consumption for this heating and cooling. Each floor has its own RTU, which can be supplied with its own meter, allowing for monitoring of electrical use for each floor of tenants. Therefore, to obtain the amount of electricity consumed by each tenant for HVAC use, the total electricity recorded for each floor would be multiplied by the percentage of square footage occupied per tenant. The electricity required to operate common spaces, such as the lobbies, bathrooms, and elevators, will also be metered individually. A percentage of that electrical use will be applied to each tenant\'s electrical consumption as well based upon occupied square footage within the building. The manufacturer of the HVAC equipment (Trane) will be able to tie into all the meters and monitor/tabulate all electrical use within the building through their system\'s program. REQUIRED CLARIFICATION: In reference to EAc5.2: 1. Please verify that the explanation given in the previous section fulfills the credit requirements for the specified credit. 2. The locations within the building plan that need to be designated for tenant sub-metering equipment are only for electrical meters, which can track the electrical energy needed to run the services called out in Case B of EAc3 of LEED-CI. This credit calls for including a centrally monitored electronic metering network that is capable of being expanded to accommodate the future tenant sub-metering of electricity consumption ONLY. 3. Please verify that EAc5.2 is not dependent upon EAc5.1. In other words, EAc5.2 is not a "point in addition" to EAc5.1, such as is the case with WEc3.2 and WEc3.1. 4. Please verify that the M&V plan for EAc5.2 can be consistent with either Option B, C or D of the 2001 IPMVP Volume 1: Concepts and Options for Determining Energy and Water Savings. 5. Please verify that EAc5.2 calls for the development of a tenant M&V plan, and any calculations or modeling that needs to be performed will be completed by the tenant and is not required for this credit.
In response to submitted questions: 1. The system described appears to meet the intent of the credit and will be awarded if all actions are fulfilled and the credit is adequately documented. 2. The metering systems installed under this credit should be considered a subset of the more comprehensive M&V requirements of CI EAc3 (which addresses all energy sources and major end uses). 3. EAc5.1 and EAc5.2 are independent of each other. Having said this, the metering systems required by EAc5.2 are a relatively simple extension of the EAc5.1 systems should EAc5.1 be pursued. 4. As with the physical metering systems, the M&V plan associated with this credit should be considered a subset of the more comprehensive M&V plan associated with CI EAc3. 5. This credit requires only development of the M&V plan, not implementation of the M&V program. ************************************************************ Additional clarification from EA TAG re: CS EAc5.1 and EAc5.2: EAc5.1: Delete first bullet point of Requirements. Replace second bullet point of Requirements with the following: "Develop and implement a Measurement & Verification (M&V) Plan consistent with Option D: Calibrated Simulation (Savings Estimation Method 2), or Option B: Energy Conservation Measure Isolation, as specified by the International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol (IPMVP) Volume III: Concepts and Options for Determining Energy Savings in New Construction, April, 2003. The documentation is to include 1) a description of the metering infrastructure design, 2) existing meter locations, 3) existing meter specifications, 4) 1-line electrical schematics identifying end-use circuits, 5) guidelines for carrying out tenant sub-metering. EAc5.1 and EAc5.2: These credits reference IPMVP Vol. III, while LEED CI references IPMVP Vol. I. However, using Vol. III methodologies for these credits fully meets the intent of CI EAc3. Applicable Internationally.
Our team wishes to submit an alternate approach to EAc5 consistent with the intent to "provide for the ongoing accountability and optimization of building energy and water consumption performance over time." We\'d like to use the PACRAT (Performance Assessment and Continuous Recommissioning Analysis Tool) automated Fault Detection and Diagnostic (FDD) program to provide ongoing M&V analysis. PACRAT utilizes recorded system operational data to improve facility operations and planning by: 1) Diagnosing system problems and poor performance and identifying energy wastes; 2) Documenting important system operational parameters such as loads, energy use, indoor air quality, etc.; 3) Setting a new standard for Monitoring and Verification of energy uses; and 4) Summarizing and formatting the data for effective visualization. PACRAT integrates enterprise data from many different controls, monitoring and metering systems. The system fully puts to use the volumes of data that can be obtained from building control systems, meters and data loggers, which generally gets ignored and lost. Benefits include: Actionable Results: PACRAT provides detailed, quantifiable, and actionable results of suboptimal and problem building and system performance. Output exceeds EAc5 goals by identifying the systems that are not functioning as expected and telling specifically how to correct it. With Option D modeling approach, the expense of developing, calibrating, and repeatedly running these models provides little lasting operational value to the performance of the building. Discrepancies in actual vs. modeled performance typically require extensive field investigation and trend data analysis to determine the cause(s) of the off-baseline performance. Persistence: Once configured, PACRAT provides regular (quarterly) output of system anomalies and performance results. Reviews of projects awarded EAc5 using the Option D approach indicates that the \'calibration\' exercise is often not performed. When it is performed, the nature of the procedure is to vary the input parameters of the building model until they come close to matching actual performance, often with only a cursory analysis of building systems to identify any inefficiencies. Makes Use of All Systems Data: PACRAT exceeds the \'Option D\' approach by using virtually all input/output data for each system under analysis (including individual sensors, valve and damper outputs, setpoints, etc.). In this way, it can perhaps be viewed as a pervasive \'Option B\' approach, where most of the parameters of each system are analyzed down to the individual control loop level. Analysis extends down to the individual systems level and includes air handling units, chillers, and hydronic pumping systems. Automated: Truly automated FDD methods remove the need for human beings to be contracted and engaged to provide analysis. The computational engine replaces the need for people to interpret results and is more efficient and can provide for more cost-efficient analysis. Web-Based: PACRAT is a web-based, electronic process from start to finish. Data is trended by the building automation system and is transmitted to the computational engine for analysis. Results are provided in a database format for the user to access via the Internet. The database format provides results that are filterable and searchable. Action taken by the Owner can also be entered onto the database for future reference. This project will include the electrical submetering points required by Credit 5, and will also include thermal (Btu) metering of chilled and hot water loads. Additionally, PACRAT will use approximately 400 system input/output points, including temperatures, humidity, pressures, status, damper commands, valve commands, and most setpoints perform the fault detection and diagnostics results and performance graphs. We propose an alternative compliance path requiring continuous metering equipment for those end-uses currently required by EAc5, as well as an automated FDD tool with quarterly reporting. This strategy will provide much more valuable feedback to the building operator and allow for ongoing accountability and optimization of building energy and water consumption performance over time. We are confident this will result in a more efficiently operated building with the highest level of accountability for systems performance.
Based on the description of the proposed alternative compliance path for EAc5, it does not appear that the PACRAT and FFD systems by themselves would meet the requirements of the credit. While the described software and technology appear to provide sophisticated capabilities to capture, trend and analyze energy related data, the data must be reconciled to the energy and water performance projections generated under EAp2/c1 and WEcx as per the the requirements of EAc5 and pertinent sections of IPMVP Vol 1, 2001.
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© Copyright U.S. Green Building Council, Inc. All rights reserved.
Include a centrally monitored electronic metering network in the base building design that is capable of being expanded to accommodate the future tenant submetering as required by LEED 2009 for Commercial Interiors Rating System EA Credit 3: Measurement and Verification.
Develop a tenant measurement and verification (M&V) plan that documents and advises future tenants of this opportunity and the means of achievement.
Provide a process for corrective action if the results of the M&V plan indicate that energy savings are not being achieved.
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What are projects required to submeter for this credit?The answer to this question is available to LEEDuser premium members. Start a free trial » (If you're already a premium member, log in here.) |
Are there any other requirements?The answer to this question is available to LEEDuser premium members. Start a free trial » (If you're already a premium member, log in here.) |
To meet the requirements of LEED-NC Version 2.2, EA Credit 5, we would like to use IPMVP Option C. This option is considered a low rigor option by the IPMVP because the baseline comparison in this case is with a group of buildings that are located on various sites and are supposedly similar in usage and type. In our case two identical buildings on the same campus are next to each other and have the same square footage, number of stories, size, orientation, type of use (office), the same owner and the same maintenance staff. The first building is under renovation to achieve Gold certification and the second building will be renovated in three years. It appears to us, that metering the two identical buildings simultaneously and using the actual old non-renovated building metrics as a baseline for the retrofit of the second renovated building, follows the intent, philosophy and purpose of the LEED EA Credit 5. In addition, this will give an incentive to the owner to continue with the renovation of the second building when energy savings are evaluated during the first year of operation. Is the use of the IPMVP Option C acceptable in this particular case?
The applicant is requesting approval to develop a Measurement and Verification (M&V) plan based on IPMVP Option C. While it appears that the baseline building will more accurately represent the proposed building than most projects conducting M&V using IPMVP Option C, the proposed approach is not acceptable. Only whole-building level performance can be measured using IPMVP Option C. IPMVP Options B and D, in addition to being more accurate, allow for the measurement and verification of performance of each energy conservation measurement (ECM). Applicable Internationally.
I have a project consisting of one hotel and 24 chalet, we are attempting EAc5 monitoring and verification under LEED NC V 2.2 The project will be operated by one operator which will be responsible of all operational issues, such as housekeeping, food and beverage, maintenance ,.etc. The project is being supplied by its need from electricity, from one substation installed specifically for this project, also the gas and water will be supplied from one main gas and water tanks installed specifically for this project. Hence, the operator will pay against the energy and water consumption for the whole project, while the guests of the chalets will not be charged for their energy and water consumption since it will be covered in the main charge which they are paying. The buildings (chalets) are simple buildings, and the project team determined to follow option B as specified in the International Performance Monitoring and Verification Protocol IPMVP to develop the M&V plan and meeting the intent of this credit. The question is: To meet the intent of this credit, can the project team consider installing one main energy meter for each type of energy (electricity, Gas and water)? knowing that the M&V plan will be created and implemented as required.
Based on the description of the project, installing one main energy meter for each utility (water, electricity, gas, etc.) servicing the entire project would be acceptable, as long as all of the systems affecting an energy conservation measure (ECM) are capable of being fully measured on a continuous or periodic basis. In addition, please note that the metering, measurement (without stipulation) and verification protocols listed in the M&V plan must conform to guidance offered under IPMVP Option A&B (Sections 4.2 through 4.3.1). Applicable Internationally.
Our question pertains to is a mixed use residential - commercial highrise; 15 stories, 159,646 GSF total; 147,364 GSF housing, 46,994 GSF parking below grade; 4,204 GSF retail at the ground floor. Our M&V plan was developed in accordance with the IPMVP Option D. Energy savings calculations are to be validated by calibrating the original energy simulation model developed for projecting savings during design of the project. This calibration will be accomplished by using information from the following sources: Permanently installed metering: monthly gas and electric utility billing data and key submetered gas and electric end-uses. This will enable accounting of domestic hot water energy, heating energy, cooling energy consumption, and on-site energy production. Baseline measurements on public area electrical lighting loads that will be effected by lighting control strategies to verify baseline energy loads. Periodic temporary metering: periodic metering using data loggers to confirm actual electrical energy consumption by lighting in public areas effected by lighting control strategies. Sampling of residential lighting using a strategy based on the California HERS sampling strategy. In the preparation of the M&V plan we have concentrated our effort on the specification of sufficient data to provide adequate tools for the future verification energy modeler. The engineering calculations, operational estimates, utility meter-billing analysis, statistical sampling methods, metering and monitoring techniques outlined in this plan are commonly used sources of information used to perform the analysis prescribed by the Option D protocol, demonstrating compliance with the credit requirements. Please confirm that the plan as described plan satisfies the intent of EAc5. Thank you.
Your M&V approach is acceptable for EAc5. The protocol described aligns with the intent and requirements of the credit. Make sure to submit a complete M&V plan in the LEED certification submittal. Applicable Internationally.
Question: Will the following M&V components meet the EAc5 requirements for a lab building (sophisticated owner)? The 6-story building (consistent floor layout) contains labs, offices, conference rooms (~170,000 s.f.) A Central Utility Building (CUB), not a part of submission, provides chilled water and steam to the building. A Building Automation System (BAS) monitors and controls the building . The majority of calibration data is gathered by BAS, however other approaches for data collection (CIR Ruling 10/26/2005) are being implemented (described below). The sophisticated owner\'s (operates numerous lab buildings & acting commissioning agent) approach is Option D of 2001 (IPMVP) Volume I & III incorporating: energy model Collection of calibration data - 12 months Incorporate data into energy model Calibrate simulation data Use calibrated energy model to assist facilities Collection of Calibration Data - Required M&V categories 1&2- Lighting Systems & Controls & Building related process energy and equipment The master panels incorporate smart breakers that provide numerous metrics for evaluation of the different sets of sub-panels servicing banks of labs and other spaces. The sub panels are divided primarily by space type so therefore incorporate both lighting and process energy. To isolate these loads spot meters will be incorporated so that data can be collected on a monthly basis. By subtracting this load from the overall loads from the smart meters the process energy can be isolated. The control system will monitor the Lighting Systems & Controls: All lighting circuits routed through this system Occupancy sensors and photocells BAS can communicate with it and share all monitoring points The activity of the occupancy sensors and photocells are also trended through the BAS to provide additional diagnostic capability to assist trouble shooting. Option B - A proposed alternative to the above (that requires a significant number of spot meters) a set of typical spaces (ex. Lab) will be metered using portable instrumentation for a period of time (ex. Month per season) to identify relevant information about the different loads and uses within the space to establish trends and refine performance. 3 - Constant and Variable Motor Loads The BAS has two main power meters for each of the feeds into the building that are capable of trending consumption (kWh) and demand (kW). The motors that are metered comprise ~90% of the modeled motor use identified by the energy model results. Metering each motor for the project was cost prohibitive. 4 - Variable Frequency Drive Operation (VFD) The BAS controls the VFD operation and trends their operation (% speed). 5 - Chiller Efficiency at variable loads (kW/ton) The chiller control panel in the CUB is capable of calculating the efficiency real time and sharing it with the BAS for the units that are servicing the building. 6 - Cooling load The BAS monitors both the Cooling GPM and supply/return temperatures for the building at the CUB. The cooling load for the Science Center is calculated by these points outside of the BAS, which is calculating the loads for the building and other buildings, and trended by the BAS. 7 - Air and water economizer and heat recovery cycles The BAS controls/monitors the outside air (OA) damper operation, OA temperature, and supply air temperature. The chiller operation is in summer mode only (control panel linked to the BAS and can provide feedback on the chillers serving the building, and their capacity of use) Heat recovery - the air and water temperatures in/out of the coils are controlled/monitored by the BAS, which can are trended to display that heat recovery is occurring. 8 - Air distribution static pressures and ventilation air volumes The flow rates and static pressure (SP) for the main supply air volume for each unit are measured via the BAS. 9 - Boiler efficiencies The boiler control panel measures the boiler efficiency and reports this information to the BAS. 10 - Indoor water risers and outdoor irrigation systems All of the water supplied to the Science Center is from the Central Utility Building (CUB). A meter will be installed to measure the overall quantity of the water being supplied to building. The (5) end uses for the water will be metered and calculated as follows: o RODI - meter o Lab and Non-potable - meter o Kitchen - meter o Irrigation - meter o Building Potable - calculation - quantities from all of the meters above will be summed and subtracted from the overall quantity meter.
The proposed approach to measurement and verification of the lab building described above using the BAS, spot metering process loads, and metering water use is acceptable. However, this does not constitute approval of your M&V plan, which is done through the review process. Please note that for LEED-NC v2.2, the correct version of IPMVP is Volume III: Concepts and Options for Determining Energy Savings in New Construction, April, 2003. Please also note that addressing only the ten end-uses above is a LEED-NC v2.1 requirement. The end use metering will depend on the building design and the sophistication of the energy simulation.
Our project is a multiple buildings project on a historic site in California. This proposal requests approval of the following Measurement and Verification (M&V) approach for this project to satisfy LEED-NCv2.2 AGMBC EA credit 5. The project scope covers 34 buildings in total with a mix of new construction and renovation. Features of the building systems include, but are not limited to, the following: New Lodging (13 buildings): in-floor radiant heating toilet exhaust fans boiler, pumps, expansion tanks HVAC controls gas fireplace inserts domestic water systems lighting controls split-system air-cooled DX heat pumps (in 2 of the buildings only) New Healing Arts Center (HAC) building: in-floor radiant heating & cooling toilet exhaust fans boiler, pumps, expansion tanks chiller heat recovery ventilator fan coils relief air system radiant ceiling panels hydronic panel radiators HVAC controls domestic water systems lighting controls fire/smoke dampers Historic Buildings 547, 549, 546: gas-fired duct furnace exhaust fans domestic water systems lighting controls HVAC controls Historic residential buildings (15 buildings): boiler, pumps, expansion tanks radiators, hydronic & gas-radiant exhaust fans radiant ceiling panels domestic water systems lighting controls HVAC controls Historic common buildings (5 buildings): boiler, pumps, expansion tanks boiler power ventilators radiators exhaust fans make-up air units split-system air-cooled DX heat pumps relief air system fire/smoke dampers unit heaters HVAC control The project team, in working with the owner, has identified that the best approach to perform M&V on this project will be to use Option B. However instead of developing an M&V plan per building as prescribed by the IPMVP Volume 3, the project team intends to develop a single M&V plan based on system type. This reduces the number of M&V plans generated to drop from 34 (at one per building) to 6 (one per system type and one variation) as identified below - 1. In-floor radiant heating systems 2. In-floor radiant heating systems with DX cooling 3. In floor radiant heating and cooling systems with heat recovery ventilators 4. Gas-fired duct furnaces 5. Radiators and gas radiant heating system 6. Hydronic radiators combined with air-cooled DX heat pumps The following items will be included as standard elements to all M&V plans - 1. All auxiliary energy consuming equipment attached to any system as applicable 2. HVAC control points and controls applicable to each system In addition to the above mentioned inclusions, the team will also generate a separate system level plan to address - 1. All lighting system and lighting controls 2. Water consumption - split by domestic and heating water 3. Gas consumption for fire place inserts. As a general guideline all M&V plans will cover all aspects of the sections 3.2 and 4.3 of the IPMVP Volume III (2003). Given the unique nature of this project (historical, 34 buildings) the owner requests the USGBC\'s permission to use this alternative compliance path. The proposed approach is the most effective (cost and performance) means to capture data that supports systems evaluation and building operation decisions.
The approach described to achieve EAc5 across the 34-building complex is acceptable in the context of Option B. Although it is implicit in your description, be sure to explain in detail in your M&V Plan how your metering approach will enable investigation at the building level. In other words, while your plans may be organized at the system level, you will need to be able to isolate lighting loads at each building, for example.Update April 15, 2011: Please note that all 2009 projects in multiple building situations must follow the 2010 Application Guide for Multiple Buildings and On-Campus Building Projects, located here: 2009 project teams should check this document for up to date guidance on all multiple building issues.
The statements of the IPMVP Volume III regarding Option D leave considerable room for interpretation. For example, Section 4.5.5 states, "parameters that change daily or hourly may warrant continuous metering." Individual task lights are an example of a modeled energy use that would likely change on an hourly basis. However, on average the task lighting may remain relatively stable when viewed at a whole building level. The term "may" is subject to interpretation by reviewers since some may interpret it to be a requirement, i.e., "shall", while others merely a suggestion. Additionally, the IPVMP does not stipulate at what level the continuous metering shall be installed. Our project is an office building that receives electricity, chilled water, and steam from a campus central energy plant. In anticipation of utilizing Option D of the IPVMP, our project plans to meter energy and water end use as follows: - Domestic water meter measuring flow in gallons per minute - Steam flow meter for building heating and domestic hot water measuring in pounds per hour - Chiller water flow meter measuring building cooling demand in gallons per minute and temperature change, i.e., BTU meter - Individual air handling unit VFDs measuring motor speed, motor current, output voltage and output frequency - Power meters at the main switchgear measuring volts, amperes, watts, volt-amperes, VARS, kilowatt-hours VAR-hours, demand kilowatts, power factor, frequency and harmonic distortion - Power meters at the distribution panelboards on each floor measuring volt, amperes, watts, volt-amperes, VARS, demand kilowatts and power factor Our project does not plan to individually meter any of the following energy end uses: - Lighting panels (lighting control system will monitor operating hours) - Task lighting - Process energy (office equipment, elevators, etc.) - Constant speed pump motors (DDC system will monitor runtime) Does this metering plan appear to meet the intent and requirements of the IPVMP Volume III and EA Credit 5? If not, what modifications are required to comply with the intent of the credit?
The applicant is requesting guidance for determining the extent of individually metering needed to provide the necessary feedback for calibrating their as-built energy model (IPMVP Vol. III, Option D). Based on the description provided, it is not possible to make a determination if the metering plan fully satisfies the intent and requirements of IPVMP Volume III. While it appears that many of the end-uses and systems are sub-metered and the information will be necessary for calibrating the energy model, it should be noted that it is not necessary to sub-meter everything. Assess the level of metering to do the calibration. Since the task lighting is highly variable and a direct product of occupancy, as opposed to scheduled operations, it would be acceptable that the task lighting anticipated energy use be stipulated, as offered in IPMVP Vol. III Section 4.5.3. For EAc5 compliance, the M&V plan should address the methods and approaches that seem most appropriate for measuring and verifying energy use under IPMVP Option D. Applicable internationally.
Is it acceptable for LEED NC 2.2 EAc5 M&V Plans to follow the concepts of the IPMVP but limit the savings analysis in an effort to control costs, if they provide ongoing accountability and meet or exceed owners\' M&V objectives?
Meeting the owner\'s requirements and providing ongoing accountability of energy consumption alone do not satisfy the credit requirements. The M&V plan provided must be consistent with either Option B or Option D of IPMVP regardless of cost of implementation. Applicable internationally.
To meet the requires of LEED-NC Version 2.2, EA Credit 5, are there any end uses that require continuously metering when IPMVP Option D is used? Specifically the end uses required under LEED-NC Version 2.1 were: 1. Lighting systems and controls 2. Constant and variable load motors 3. Variable frequency drive (VFD) operation 4. Chiller efficiency at variable loads (kW/ton) 5. Cooling load 6. Air and water economizer and heat recovery cycles 7. Air distribution static pressure and ventilation air volumes 8. Boiler efficiencies 9. Building-related process energy systems and equipment 10.Indoor water risers and outdoor irrigation systems Or, can these end uses be captured as an aggregate at the utility meter?
The CIR is inquiring as to which end uses require continuous metering when using IPMVP Option D. The end use metering will depend on the building design and the sophistication of the energy simulation. The IPMVP Volume III Section 4.5.5 provides guidance on this issue, stating, "parameters that change daily or hourly may warrant continuous metering," while allowing that a parameter which is not expected to change may be measured after installation and then periodically to verify it is remaining constant. The amount of sub-metering of systems should allow for direct comparison between metered and simulated energy use, as indicated in IPMVP Volume III Section 4.5.2. Applicable Internationally.
EAc5.2: Requirement: Include a centrally monitored electronic metering network in the base building design that is capable of being expanded to accommodate the future tenant sub-metering as required by LEED for Commercial Interiors Rating System Credit EA3. Also develop a tenant M&V plan that documents and advises future tenants of this opportunity and the means of their achievement. Intent: Provide for ongoing accountability of building electricity consumption performance over time. THE APPROACH: For EAc5.2: LEED Core & Shell credit EAc5.2 references LEED CI EAc3, for which we will account for both Case A & Case B situations (but only providing for the capability of electrical energy monitoring). This project will have the capability & physical space needed to sub-meter the majority of tenant electrical usage. The tenant will have the ability to expand their metering so that their electrical use for lights, vav\'s, piu\'s, and receptacles can be monitored. However, the monitoring of the electricity to run the RTUs for space heating and cooling will be handled differently as there is no way to directly account for each individual tenant\'s electrical consumption for this heating and cooling. Each floor has its own RTU, which can be supplied with its own meter, allowing for monitoring of electrical use for each floor of tenants. Therefore, to obtain the amount of electricity consumed by each tenant for HVAC use, the total electricity recorded for each floor would be multiplied by the percentage of square footage occupied per tenant. The electricity required to operate common spaces, such as the lobbies, bathrooms, and elevators, will also be metered individually. A percentage of that electrical use will be applied to each tenant\'s electrical consumption as well based upon occupied square footage within the building. The manufacturer of the HVAC equipment (Trane) will be able to tie into all the meters and monitor/tabulate all electrical use within the building through their system\'s program. REQUIRED CLARIFICATION: In reference to EAc5.2: 1. Please verify that the explanation given in the previous section fulfills the credit requirements for the specified credit. 2. The locations within the building plan that need to be designated for tenant sub-metering equipment are only for electrical meters, which can track the electrical energy needed to run the services called out in Case B of EAc3 of LEED-CI. This credit calls for including a centrally monitored electronic metering network that is capable of being expanded to accommodate the future tenant sub-metering of electricity consumption ONLY. 3. Please verify that EAc5.2 is not dependent upon EAc5.1. In other words, EAc5.2 is not a "point in addition" to EAc5.1, such as is the case with WEc3.2 and WEc3.1. 4. Please verify that the M&V plan for EAc5.2 can be consistent with either Option B, C or D of the 2001 IPMVP Volume 1: Concepts and Options for Determining Energy and Water Savings. 5. Please verify that EAc5.2 calls for the development of a tenant M&V plan, and any calculations or modeling that needs to be performed will be completed by the tenant and is not required for this credit.
In response to submitted questions: 1. The system described appears to meet the intent of the credit and will be awarded if all actions are fulfilled and the credit is adequately documented. 2. The metering systems installed under this credit should be considered a subset of the more comprehensive M&V requirements of CI EAc3 (which addresses all energy sources and major end uses). 3. EAc5.1 and EAc5.2 are independent of each other. Having said this, the metering systems required by EAc5.2 are a relatively simple extension of the EAc5.1 systems should EAc5.1 be pursued. 4. As with the physical metering systems, the M&V plan associated with this credit should be considered a subset of the more comprehensive M&V plan associated with CI EAc3. 5. This credit requires only development of the M&V plan, not implementation of the M&V program. ************************************************************ Additional clarification from EA TAG re: CS EAc5.1 and EAc5.2: EAc5.1: Delete first bullet point of Requirements. Replace second bullet point of Requirements with the following: "Develop and implement a Measurement & Verification (M&V) Plan consistent with Option D: Calibrated Simulation (Savings Estimation Method 2), or Option B: Energy Conservation Measure Isolation, as specified by the International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol (IPMVP) Volume III: Concepts and Options for Determining Energy Savings in New Construction, April, 2003. The documentation is to include 1) a description of the metering infrastructure design, 2) existing meter locations, 3) existing meter specifications, 4) 1-line electrical schematics identifying end-use circuits, 5) guidelines for carrying out tenant sub-metering. EAc5.1 and EAc5.2: These credits reference IPMVP Vol. III, while LEED CI references IPMVP Vol. I. However, using Vol. III methodologies for these credits fully meets the intent of CI EAc3. Applicable Internationally.
Our team wishes to submit an alternate approach to EAc5 consistent with the intent to "provide for the ongoing accountability and optimization of building energy and water consumption performance over time." We\'d like to use the PACRAT (Performance Assessment and Continuous Recommissioning Analysis Tool) automated Fault Detection and Diagnostic (FDD) program to provide ongoing M&V analysis. PACRAT utilizes recorded system operational data to improve facility operations and planning by: 1) Diagnosing system problems and poor performance and identifying energy wastes; 2) Documenting important system operational parameters such as loads, energy use, indoor air quality, etc.; 3) Setting a new standard for Monitoring and Verification of energy uses; and 4) Summarizing and formatting the data for effective visualization. PACRAT integrates enterprise data from many different controls, monitoring and metering systems. The system fully puts to use the volumes of data that can be obtained from building control systems, meters and data loggers, which generally gets ignored and lost. Benefits include: Actionable Results: PACRAT provides detailed, quantifiable, and actionable results of suboptimal and problem building and system performance. Output exceeds EAc5 goals by identifying the systems that are not functioning as expected and telling specifically how to correct it. With Option D modeling approach, the expense of developing, calibrating, and repeatedly running these models provides little lasting operational value to the performance of the building. Discrepancies in actual vs. modeled performance typically require extensive field investigation and trend data analysis to determine the cause(s) of the off-baseline performance. Persistence: Once configured, PACRAT provides regular (quarterly) output of system anomalies and performance results. Reviews of projects awarded EAc5 using the Option D approach indicates that the \'calibration\' exercise is often not performed. When it is performed, the nature of the procedure is to vary the input parameters of the building model until they come close to matching actual performance, often with only a cursory analysis of building systems to identify any inefficiencies. Makes Use of All Systems Data: PACRAT exceeds the \'Option D\' approach by using virtually all input/output data for each system under analysis (including individual sensors, valve and damper outputs, setpoints, etc.). In this way, it can perhaps be viewed as a pervasive \'Option B\' approach, where most of the parameters of each system are analyzed down to the individual control loop level. Analysis extends down to the individual systems level and includes air handling units, chillers, and hydronic pumping systems. Automated: Truly automated FDD methods remove the need for human beings to be contracted and engaged to provide analysis. The computational engine replaces the need for people to interpret results and is more efficient and can provide for more cost-efficient analysis. Web-Based: PACRAT is a web-based, electronic process from start to finish. Data is trended by the building automation system and is transmitted to the computational engine for analysis. Results are provided in a database format for the user to access via the Internet. The database format provides results that are filterable and searchable. Action taken by the Owner can also be entered onto the database for future reference. This project will include the electrical submetering points required by Credit 5, and will also include thermal (Btu) metering of chilled and hot water loads. Additionally, PACRAT will use approximately 400 system input/output points, including temperatures, humidity, pressures, status, damper commands, valve commands, and most setpoints perform the fault detection and diagnostics results and performance graphs. We propose an alternative compliance path requiring continuous metering equipment for those end-uses currently required by EAc5, as well as an automated FDD tool with quarterly reporting. This strategy will provide much more valuable feedback to the building operator and allow for ongoing accountability and optimization of building energy and water consumption performance over time. We are confident this will result in a more efficiently operated building with the highest level of accountability for systems performance.
Based on the description of the proposed alternative compliance path for EAc5, it does not appear that the PACRAT and FFD systems by themselves would meet the requirements of the credit. While the described software and technology appear to provide sophisticated capabilities to capture, trend and analyze energy related data, the data must be reconciled to the energy and water performance projections generated under EAp2/c1 and WEcx as per the the requirements of EAc5 and pertinent sections of IPMVP Vol 1, 2001.