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Schematic Design

Meet with the acoustics consultant (if applicable) and project team, including architect, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, contractor and owner to cover programmatic uses, acoustics goals, mechanical design, typical wall assemblies, and any other

Meet with the acoustics consultant (if applicable) and project team, including architect, mechanical engineer, electrical engineer, contractor and owner to cover programmatic uses, acoustics goals, mechanical design, typical wall assemblies, and any other related issues. This meeting should result in a clear path forward, including decisions about which LEED compliance paths will be followed and what strategies will be used to meet the requirements.

Window-to-wall ratios may be fixed if your project is pursuing a prescriptive compliance path for EAp2: Minimum Energy Performance and EAc1: Optimize Energy Performance. These fixed ratios will impact access to views and glazing areas. Check the ASHRAE Ad

Window-to-wall ratios may be fixed if your project is pursuing a prescriptive compliance path for EAp2: Minimum Energy Performance and EAc1: Optimize Energy Performance. These fixed ratios will impact access to views and glazing areas. Check the ASHRAE Advanced Energy Design Guide and the Advanced Buildings Core Performance Guide for required window-to-wall ratios. If a building envelope window-to-wall ratio is over 40% there will be a penalty in the energy model for EAc1. The same is true if skylight-to-roof ratio is more than 5%.