Research local regulations on the stormwater quality requirements, as well as regulations on the collection, storage and reuse of stormwater, including water rights.
Familiarize yourself with natural hydrology, site topography and soil infiltration rates by conducting site visits and tests. Confirm that soils are capable of infiltrating 90% of annual rainfall.
At the first integrated design meeting during schematic design, develop a detailed natural ventilation strategy that includes goals for windows, building orientation, space planning and other sources of natural ventilation. In larger buildings, consider using an atrium to use the “stack effect”—allowing air to enter the building through exterior windows, cycle through the building into the atrium space and out through the top of atrium, using the natural buoyancy of warm air. Fans can be added, if necessary, to assist with stack-effect exhaust.
Determine the ratio of floor area to operable wall or roof openings for naturally ventilated spaces to see what floor areas can be ventilated by operable windows.
If you choose to pursue IEQc5: Indoor Chemical and Pollutant Source Control, relatively high MERV 13 filtration is required. Pursuing both credits may require you to increase duct size and fan power, and may even affect your system selection.