Many buildings don’t have an official procedure for roof cleaning, so this will need to be established. If you are attempting SSc2: Building Exterior and Hardscape Management Plan, you can add this task as part of that plan.
Implement a tracking process to collect weekly water use data for each subsystem, perform regular trend analysis of the data, and compile it into monthly and annual summaries.
Implement a tracking process to collect weekly water use data, perform regular trend analysis of the data, and compile it into monthly and annual summaries.
Keep good records of your data, and analyze them. The required monthly and annual consumption summaries are intended to facilitate trend analyses that account for seasonal variations by identifying and analyzing unexpected levels of use based on comparisons to the same time period in prior years.
Use trend graphs to assess weekly meter data for irregularities that could indicate a leak in the system, equipment problems, or other system-related issues that are contributing to excessive consumption.
Consider using the Energy Star Portfolio Manager to record total monthly water utility data. Using Energy Star is an easy way to compile monthly data for credit documentation.