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Design Development

LEED for Schools projects can decide to exclude playing fields from the landscape calculation. However, the playing fields must then be excluded from all LEED calculations, including open space requirements.

LEED for Schools projects can decide to exclude playing fields from the landscape calculation. However, the playing fields must then be excluded from all LEED calculations, including open space requirements. If such areas are included, they must be included in all other applicable Water Efficiency credit calculations (unless otherwise noted).

Detailed calculations to demonstrate irrigation efficiency will be required from the landscape architect. The study “Performance and Water Conservation Potential of Multi-Stream, Multi-Trajectory Rotating Sprinklers for Landscape Irrigation” (see Resource

Detailed calculations to demonstrate irrigation efficiency will be required from the landscape architect. The study “Performance and Water Conservation Potential of Multi-Stream, Multi-Trajectory Rotating Sprinklers for Landscape Irrigation” (see Resources) provides expected water conservation percentages derived from measured data. Efficiency ratings provided by manufacturers for irrigation components and controls can be used for calculations, but most manufacturers do not provide this data, so you’ll need additional calculations.