Does anyone know if projects registered in LEED v4 are eligible to upgrade to LEED v5 for specific credits?
I'm working on a new science / health sciences building on the UW Eau Claire campus is Certified Wildlife Habitat through the National Wildlife Federation, is a Certified Tree Campus USA, and 177 acres are Accredited Arboretum through ArbNet. The campus is also are a Monarch Waystation.
However, the specific site (within the LEED boundary) does not meet the LEED v4 or v4.1 requirements SSc Site Development - Protect or Restore Habitat. I could use the campus guidance, but there are no funds to do a campus certification.
I'd like to upgrade to LEED v5 for the SSc: Protect or Restore Habitat, (renamed Biodiverse Habitat in LEED v5), Option 2. Bird-Friendly Glass (1 point), as the project has bird-friendly glass, and I'd like to see the project get credit for what they are already paying for, and the project has already completed all of the Innovation credits.
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