Hi LEED experts,

My project is a factory, using boilers with rice husk on-site. I received LEED review comments: if the Biomass is to be claimed as renewable energy, demonstrate the Biomass fuel meets the Green-e Renewable Fuels requirements (http://www.greene.org/programs/renewable-fuels). When I checked the standard "Green-e Renewable Fuels Standard v1.0-2021", in the Fuel Types section, it says: "Biomethane is the only fuel type approved under this Standard. Other renewable fuels may be considered in future versions of this Standard". So this standard is only for Biomethane. Does it mean Rice Husk is not eligible type as per Green-e standard? In the "Green-e Energy National Standard Version 2.3", they list eligible renewables, including Agricultural crop residue that is unmerchantable as food. So I still think rice husk is an eligible type And my project used Rice husk onsite, we don't trade the energy to others, then do I need to prove the Verifiable chain of custody, Tracking of GHG reductions, Mechanism to prevent double-counting, Third party–verified retail transaction?