Inclusion of cement in the prerequisite does not make sense, as its emissions are already accounted for in the concrete.

Concrete Sustainability Council (CSC) responsible sourcing certification pertains to sustainable sourcing and manufacturing practices for concrete. It addresses similar attributes to Cradle to Cradle certification. We suggest the credits be provided for CSC certification as follows:

CSC Certified: Bronze – Climate Health=0.5; Human Health=0.5; Ecosystem Health=0.5; Social Health=0.5; Circular Economy=0.0

CSC Certified: Silver – Climate Health=0.5; Human Health=1.0; Ecosystem Health=1.0; Social Health=0.5; Circular Economy=0.5

CSC Certified: Gold or Platinum – Climate Health=1.0; Human Health=1.0; Ecosystem Health=1.0; Social Health=1.0; Circular Economy=1.0