We are working on a partial renovation for a college building. The different sections of the building have not been demolished yet, but the General Contractor is in the process of removing furniture from the building. This furniture is being reused, recycled, donated, or sent to a landfill. I am assuming that the furniture will constitute 5% of the overall construction waste, making it eligible for the credit. I have a few questions:
(1) My assumption is that the total furniture will account for 5% or more of the project waste. However, I am unsure whether each individual furniture stream will also amount to 5%. Is there a way to log furniture as a single waste stream in the calculator, or should each stream (furniture - donated, furniture - reused, furniture - recycled) be recorded separately?
(2) The recycled furniture is not separated on site. Should we obtain the diversion rate from the recycling facility? Will this matter given that the furniture streams mighr end up being less than 5% of the total waste for the project?
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