Dear All,
Has anyone experience on whether having air speed sensors in both the supply and return ducting of a recirculating variable air speed AHU in combination with damper position data (% open, OA damper as well as recirculation damper) satisfies the credit requirements? Data from these points can be used at any time to calculate the OA flow rate. Or do GBCI reviewers have any kind of objection to this set-up? (Obviously data is to be monitored in a BAS terminal and alarm will be generated should OA intake decrease below minimum requirement).
Thank you in advance,
Melinda Orova
1 thumbs up
February 28, 2023 - 6:12 am
Dear Omer,
We are also looking into this solution in our project and we would like to ask if you had any success getting answer for the applicability of the solution either from a LEED Coach or in the review process.
We would appreciate if you can post any reply you've received on this topic.
Thank you,
Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
540 thumbs up
March 1, 2023 - 11:48 pm
We tried the approach outlined by Omar and received this review comment by GBCI:
"the direct outdoor air flow must be monitored since the supply fans are variable speed".
So unfortunately I have not experienced GBCI accepting air speed sensors / damper position indicators to count as "outdoor air delivery monitoring"
If you learn of anything different, please do post!