Hello everybody,
We used on our project plasterboards from the same manufacturer (Saint gobain), which have the same characteristics (acoustics, thermal resistance,...) but they are different in thickness (BA13, BA15 and BA18) and each them has its own Datasheet, can we Consider them three distincts products? and therefore count three EPDs and three HPDs? Or is it considered the same product?
For information, there is only one HPD report which covers the 3 products but the EPD reports are established separetely (3 EPD reports).
Thank you :)
Denise Bevilaqua
November 2, 2022 - 10:23 am
Sara, The answer will depend upon the impacts reported in the EPD. If the EPD reports each variation (thickness) with the differing impacts, they can each be counted separately, however, if the EPD reports "collective" impacts (based upon a representative product), then no - they cannot be counted separately. There is a good explanation of this in a recent publication titiled "BPDO Credit Checklists and Submittal Tips". I found lots of answers and insights in it.... available here: https://www.usgbc.org/resources/bpdo-credit-checklists-and-submittal-tips
Good luck!