Are glare control devices required only on exterior glazing?
Let's say we have an office (regularly occupied) with a single window looking to a classroom and no exterior glazing. Does this interior window need blinds? Thanks in advance!
Forum discussion
Are glare control devices required only on exterior glazing?
Let's say we have an office (regularly occupied) with a single window looking to a classroom and no exterior glazing. Does this interior window need blinds? Thanks in advance!
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Deborah Lucking
Director of SustainabilityFentress Architects
LEEDuser Expert
260 thumbs up
February 9, 2022 - 1:40 pm
The requirement for glare control applies to "any regularly "occupied space". So if your daylight analysis indicates that there are spaces with ASE1000,250 greater than 10%, you will need to have some form of control.
Elise Woestyn
February 10, 2022 - 11:51 am
Thanks Deborah! The step by step guidance of the reference guide also states that you have to "provide glare-control devices for all transparent glazing in any regularly occupied spaces, regardless of whether the glazing receives direct sunlight or whether the space meets the illuminance requirements of this credit." Curious to understand how you came up with this interpretation? Thanks in advance
Deborah Lucking
Director of SustainabilityFentress Architects
LEEDuser Expert
260 thumbs up
February 10, 2022 - 2:03 pm
your are right. I was too quick on the draw as I am imprinted by the v2009 Credit that only requires shading when glare is an issue.
I am mystified why blinds are required in interior spaces where glare is not an issue.