kinda embarrassed to ask this one, but here goes...
The ref guide and credit template require the team to upload the Target Finder performance results when pursuing Option 2. Prescriptive Compliance path.
How are performance results generated if annual energy info - from an energy model - is not available/known?
We always run the energy model on CI projects, so never came across this before.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5912 thumbs up
October 15, 2021 - 2:25 pm
Yea sounds weird. Just tell the reviewer you didn't run it.
Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
532 thumbs up
October 21, 2021 - 7:38 am
Yesterday I spoke with GBCI on this and they are requiring me to upload the Target Finder performance results OR submit a EUI performance target.
I can piece this together but not really sure how to compare and/or determine if the final CI project meets the target set. It is pretty straight forward when looking prescriptively (e.g. watts/sf, htg/clg efficiency, ES appliances, envelope values, etc.) but a bit fuzzy when estimating monthly energy consumptions without an energy model.
I'll figure it out.
Anya Fiechtl
ArchitectBuro Happold
74 thumbs up
January 16, 2023 - 1:12 pm
We're wondering the same thing. For LEED-CI v4, is the Target Finder report just a prescriptive formality, or do we need to compare design performance to this... and if so, what methods are acceptable? (if modeling is not in scope)
And last question: Can we use the target finder report for a Green Power purchase?
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5912 thumbs up
January 17, 2023 - 5:08 pm
A Target Finder result can be useful to project teams in establishing a targeted EUI. Absent a model you can't really test the project's ability to deliver that goal so for project's pursuing the prescriptive paths it is just a formality.
For green power you must use CBECS data to calculate the purchase. Even though Target Finder uses CBECS data you have to use the default values in the green power creditto do those calculations.
Edgar Arevalo
Associate19 thumbs up
August 14, 2023 - 10:54 am
Yeah I'm stumped by this. If we have no way of determining typical energy usage, and all we're gonna generate in the Target Finder document is an N/A score for the project since there is no energy data to add, how would they expect us to provide any energy performance comparison between the project space and a typical space?
Michelle Rosenberger
523 thumbs up
August 15, 2023 - 11:51 am
Hi all,
When we pull a Target Finder for our CI presriptive projects, we just use what we know the SF, occupancy etc. It generates the Target Finder document but doesn't have a score due to the lack of energy data. This has always been accepted.