The v4.1 credit form says, under the Sound Transmission section uploads, "Explain how the occupied spaces have been categorized in terms of use and acoustic privacy and provide documentation demonstrating the STCc or NIC criteria have been met for each space. Upload NIC measurement results, STCc calculations, design documentation from person(s) experienced in the field of acoustics, the Acoustic Performance Calculator (found under the credit's "Resources" tab in the Credit Library), or other documents as needed."
The "or" in that sentence reads to me like the calculator is not required as long as other documentation shows that the STC/NIC criteria are met. But maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part because I want to avoid the calculator. The v4 ref guide says you need to provide "calculations" but not "the calculator." Anyone been through a review using just an acoustic consultant's report or other non-calculator docs? Thanks!
Martha Norbeck
PresidentC-Wise Design and Consulting
71 thumbs up
February 3, 2022 - 9:00 pm
Emily, I read this as a list of options. It certainly can't mean NIC measurements AND STC calculations. That's the only way it makes sense. We aren't completing the calculator for STCC documentaiton. The calculator is not user friendly for a complex building.
Emily Purcell
Sustainable Design LeadCannonDesign
LEEDuser Expert
372 thumbs up
February 4, 2022 - 10:25 am
Thanks, that's helpful to hear! The project I had in mind when posting is also a big complex one...
Adam Paul
Senior AssociateLongman Lindsey
LEEDuser Expert
7 thumbs up
April 20, 2022 - 2:02 pm
We agree with Martha that the credit lists various methods of demonstrating compliance, one of which is the Acoustic Performance Calculator. We typically do use the APC spreadsheet as it is a standardized format used by USGBC reviewers and we often are using the reverberation time calcluation tab as well. We will suplement these tabs of the spreadsheet with a design narrative and marked up drawings and specifications from the architectural set. However in theory a design team could omit the APC and submit their own calculation spreadsheets for STC and RT, or could omit calculations altogether and conduct field testing post construction. In that case a summary letter/report from the consultant who conducted the testing would be sufficient to demonstrate compliance.
Aparna Pradeep Kumar
Sustainability ConsultantRamboll Deutschland GmbH
1 thumbs up
August 31, 2022 - 8:28 am
Is there a minimum number of testing points required, or should we test for every single space? Our tenant occupies 4 floors. The on-board acoustician suggested that we provide sample test results for various scenarios because the results would be similar for other rooms as the partition assemblies are the same.
Stephani Carter
Owner | FounderEcoAmmo Sustainable Consulting Inc.
April 13, 2023 - 10:56 am
Aparna, did you end up using just a sample of the spaces or testing all spaces? I had the same question.
Aparna Pradeep Kumar
Sustainability ConsultantRamboll Deutschland GmbH
1 thumbs up
April 14, 2023 - 3:25 am
Hi Stephani,
We ended up using the design calculation method instead of testing the spaces.