So often I am running calculations needing to meet LEED requirements for light tresspass and needing to hit .1FC which is abusurd. Most times we are putting sheilding on the fixtures which require us to use MORE WATTS to acheive IES recommended light level. Not to mention that properties are using as much space as possible where poles are right next to the property line. Then the crazy thing is where you back up to a apratment complex or roadway where they have 250w to 400w HID street lights illuminating their property yet we are haviing to hit .1FC like they are not even there creating way over these levels. The moon on a clear night is .1 to .3 or above and software is pretty good but man you need a sheet of plywood behind the pole to make it work.
Who came up wiht this and do they really know how much .1 foot candles appears and also why aren't lighting controls where fixtures are dimmed based on occupancy considered in these calculations?
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