
We are working on a high-rise MURB project and trying to meet the radon requirements outlined in the reference guide. The reference guide has listed 5 different standards (EPA Building Radon Out; NFPA 5000, Chapter 49; International Residential Code, Appendix F; CABO, Appendix F; ASTM E1465) and it's very unclear which requirements need to be met. 

According to the web-based reference guide "The requirements for radon protection are automatically satisfied if the building is elevated by at least 2 feet (600 millimeters), with open-air space between the building and ground. An enclosed vented crawlspace does not qualify. A garage under a building is an acceptable alternative. For mixed-use buildings, nonresidential space is exempted."  We have underground parking garage under the building footprint and non-residential uses on level 1, does this then satisfied the requirements, anyone has any experience/success with this approach?

Thank you.