Dear All,
I have a project which will be built on a lot located in a industrial zone. The lot is used to be natural land but filled up with sand now.
Can we claim this land is no longer natural land and "previously developed" as planned for industrial construction?
Best regards,
Blake Jackson
Director of SustainabilityNORR
LEEDuser Expert
7 thumbs up
November 14, 2020 - 11:16 am
Yes, this is a perfect example - based on your description - of "previously developed" land. The goal of this credit is to incentivize projects to not destroy natural land, wetlands, parks, farmland, etc. By reusing this site, you're adhereing to the intend of the credit.
Thomas Tan
1 thumbs up
November 15, 2020 - 11:09 pm
Dear Blake,
Thank you for your comment. It makes sense to me now.