Dear All,

We’re currently working on a LEED certification of a project with the following characteristics:

  • two independent buildings located in the same campus. This will imply 1 LEED certificate per building;
  • 1 PV plant designed to serve both buildings and located on the roof of one of them;
  • energy supply to both buildings is common (power transformers).

In what relates with Renewable Energy Production, we have some doubts related with the methodology we shall follow to allocate PV production to each building. We are planning to use the following strategy:

  • calculate electricity demand of both buildings (hourly values, obtained from simulation);
  • calculate PV production (hourly values, obtained from simulation);
  • allocate PV production to each building on an hourly basis, considering electricity demand of each building (ex.: in a certain hour, if building A accounts for 70% of total demand ® 70% of PV production allocated).

Do you validate this approach?

Best regards,