Dear All,
We’re currently trying to certify a project with the following characteristics:
- the tenant pursuing certification occupies the vast majority of building area (100% of LEED CI certification boundary, > 90% of GFA);
- the building (Office building) if fitted with a centralized HVAC system that produces and distributes hot and chilled water to all conditioned spaces;
- the only tenant which is out of the scope of the certification is a small restaurant (< 10% of total GFA) which has its own electricity and gas supply but receives chilled and hot water (to feed an AHU) from the building’s thermal plant.
For the purposes of Option 1 (“Metering”), is it mandatory to install:
- electric meters for common areas which are included in the scope of LEED CI certification but are not tenancy areas (ex: reception, shower rooms, technical zones)?
- enthalpy meters for a tenant which is out of scope of the LEED CI certification boundary (restaurant’s AHU) but represents much less than 10% of total enthalpy?
Thanks in advance.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5924 thumbs up
October 21, 2019 - 6:32 pm
This only requires the installation/use of tenant level meters. That said every space covered within the tenant scope of work should be included as well.
You do not have to install meters for tenant spaces outside the CI project scope.