In the Rating Selection Guide there is the general rule that 60% of a space for a specific building type means that this project must be registered for that specific LEED category.
Regarding LEED for Schools there is some confusing additional text. "% of building square footage dedicated to learning space... more than 60% core and ancillary including 25%+ core... must use LEED for Schools"
What does the "including 25%+ core" mean?
I looked this up and found a document called "Guidelines for Projects Choosing Between
LEED for Schools and Other LEED Rating Systems" which said.
"If a project meets both of the conditions listed below, the project must seek certification under the LEED for Schools rating system UNLESS it wishes to seek certification under a rating system that is not LEED for New Construction or LEED for Schools (such as LEED for Commercial Interiors or LEED for Existing Buildings). Educational facilities that do not meet the two conditions listed below have the option to seek certification under the LEED for Schools rating system - but may choose to use the LEED for New Construction rating system if it better fits the needs of the project.
1) The combined core and ancillary learning spaces intended for regular use for any grade between Kindergarten and 12th grade make up 75% or more of the total square footage
2) Core learning spaces make up at least 25% of the total square footage."
I tried to apply this to a K-12 project. The project is more than 60% core and ancillary spaces, but just less than 25% core spaces.
I was told by the reviewer that the more detailed explanation only applies to projects registered between July 2007 and July 2009. So the more abbreviated explanation is being applied. "more than 60% core and ancillary including 25%+ core" And they are ignoring the second half of this. Because the project is over 60% core and ancillary spaces it must be LEED for Schools.
I'd appreciate any further guidance on this 25%+ core meaning.
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