We have built a project located in Santa Clara which has hired a waste hauler that undergoes third-party verification to confirm their waste diversion rates. This meets the requirement of Pilot credit 87.
To demonstrate compliance the following is required: 1) Documentation confirming that the facility or facilities that received materials from the project was "certified" over the timeframe that waste was generated on the project and sent to the processing facility, 2) Calculations demonstrating that the required percentage of commingled construction waste is sent to a facility that has a current third-party verified facility recycling rate, and 3) The recycling rates applied to the project's waste generation is the weighted average for the facility over the time in which the project sent materials to the facility.
Additionally, projects pursue pilot credits must subscribe to and post on the LEED User forum. Lou Niles LEED AP BD+C / WELL AP LPA, Inc.
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