The projects space is served by the base building AHU and Chiller plants. Efficiency of which don't meet the min prescribed efficiency as per ASHRAE 90.1-2010. Do i have to model the proposed base building equipment's same as actual or i have flexibility to model HVAC identical in both baseline and proposed energy model for only base building equipment's. Is it acceptable not to take any energy savings penalties from the base building equipment. My base building equipment's are worst and shadowing the savings from lighting and domestic hot water in the tenant project scope. I am modeling everything in the tenant project scope as per the design in proposed energy model and per Appendix G of ASHRAE 90.1-2010 for baseline model.
The base building has nearly 80% glazing and is reflected in the proposed energy model for the tenant space.The baseline requires only 40% WWR per appendix G. For CI projects is it acceptable to model baseline WWR same as that of proposed? The base building glazing is better than ASHRAE glazing requirements but this high WWR % in proposed model is shadowing all the benefits due to better glazing values.
Also, to me its not clear what does the "Exception" imply in option 1 of min energy performance requirements of ID+C reference guide. To my understanding it means we can neglect sections a-e of Table G 3.1 (5) for baseline models but meet all other requirements?
Thanks in advance.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5922 thumbs up
August 23, 2017 - 9:58 am
In general the Proposed is modeled as designed (or as exists) and the Baseline is according to Appendix G. So you are not allowed to model the HVAC system and glazing area identically.
The exception simply means that G3.1.1-5 Baseline (f) does not apply to CI projects. G3.1.1-5 Baseline (a through e) applies.