Hi, I'm in the beginning stages of administrating my first WELL project. I'm trying to get my head wrapped around how to ensure that the preconditions are met through design specifications. I'm having a hard time quantifying how to go about ensuring some of the most basic preconditions are met, specifically Feature 01 Air Quality Standards. How does one go about defining that the standards for volatile substances and particular matter and inorganic gases are met? The other features, such as Feature 04 Part VOC Reduction and Feature 05 Air Filtration outline clear parameters for material selections or design strategies. But Feature 01 is so general that I'm unsure how you can be sure you'll meet it. Do you just gamble that simply following the other air filtration and material selection strategies will result in an outcome that meets this precondition and so you just wait and see? If not, how can a project administrator provide guidance on how to meet this feature?
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Dionisio Franca
DirectorWoonerf Inc.
30 thumbs up
July 18, 2017 - 9:01 pm
Hi Katie,
For particulate matter and inorganic gases, you should first check the outdoor air quality of the geographical region of your project. After that, work out with your HVAC engineer to select filters based on the air quality you have. There is a synergy of 05 air filtration, where MERV 13 filters are required for areas where the air quality may require them.
I hope this helps.
Lida Lewis
HKS Director of Wellbeing Design| IIDA, WELL Faculty, WELL AP, LEED AP ID+C
42 thumbs up
August 3, 2017 - 11:57 am
As with many of the WELL Concepts, the later Optimization features in WELL will assist you in meeting the earlier preconditions.
In the case of this particular precondition (as with the ones in the Water Concept), this is a performance standard that the project will need to meet at its occupancy. Following the requirements for installing the filters for Feature 05, Air Filtration, will ensure that you can install both MERV 13, and Carbon Filters, to mitigate any adverse build up.
As with any performance, rather than prescriptive, based measure it's up to you to determine how to get there. For existing spaces, teams might consider doing preliminary testing of air quality to determine existing conditions. Careful attention to specifications and scrutiny of products specified (including those which are used to adhere or seal installed products) is also certainly key. Some type of flush out may also be helpful once all materials and furniture are installed. And since the Performance Verification can't be conducted until one month after occupancy, some occupant education on what consumer products occupants might use in or bring to the space is also likely advisable.
It's certainly achievable, and absolutely worthwhile for the health of occupants to make this a priority. The particulars of how you get there are up to you!