can someone help me please with these questions?
1) we have an atrium space with a reception desk in the middle. According to the space matrix for LEED v2009 and definition of regularly occupied spaces in the IEQ definiton in the v4 reference guide, the atrium is not considered as a regularly occupied space. But what about the recpetion? Can only be the reception floor area calculated in the total floor area and the rest of the atrium not?
2) if the atrium can be used by people who sit there and work on their laptops and enjoy their coffee, the atrium should be considered as a regularly occupied space. The issue is that the illuminance levels are above 6000 lux almost in 100% of floor area (Option 2: Illuminance calculations, clear sky). Can we use in the illuminance calculation such a measures as interior shading devices for example by shading screen or similar method? We can't reduce the transmittance of visible light through skylight because it will affect the results and it will not be compliant with our national standards since the national calculations are performed with uniform overcast sky.
So that is my problem. I'm not aware that the simulation can be performed with any shading device ON. Or am I wrong?
3) This is a C&S project and the reference guide specifies to assume the entire floor plate as a regularly occupied space, except for the core. Does this have to be met even though a floor plan layout exists? It is not clear to me if I can use the specified layout when it is C&S.
Thank you in advance for any advice and suggestions.
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