I am working on industrial project and below is the leed reviewer comments that is confusing for me how to deal with it and how to normalize to resole these issues ?
The end-use breakdown provided under EA Prerequisite Energy Efficiency Best Management Practices indicates
that the building is more than 60% process energy use, but it appears that the historic energy use data for the
project building has not been normalized for manufacturing output or process loads. For a facility whose primary
purpose is manufacturing, where the energy consumption is closely tied to the amount of production for the
manufacturing area, the energy consumption must be normalized on a per production unit basis as indicated in Table
4 under the Further Explanation section of this prerequisite in the LEED O+M v4 Reference Guide. The intent of this
prerequisite is to reward documented energy efficiency improvements over time, rather than simply noting a
reduction in energy consumption. Provide a detailed narrative summarizing how manufacturing output and process
loads impact energy use at the project building. Provide a revised form, as needed, including normalized energy use
for the project building when taking into account manufacturing output and process loads. To normalize energy use,
identify the most appropriate metric for determining the source energy use intensity for the remainder of the facility
relative to the manufacturing process (i.e. Btu/pound or Btu/unit). Determine the energy use intensity for each
historical year of data, and for the current year of data
Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
534 thumbs up
August 9, 2016 - 10:31 am
See my comment in the post below.
Ramon Christopher Medrano
September 19, 2023 - 2:29 am
Hi Sir dave Hubka we didn't see your comments regarding the review comments can you share this to me becuase our project encounder same comments in order for us to have a reference
Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
534 thumbs up
September 19, 2023 - 10:39 am
Hello Ramon,
This is odd.
My apologies but I have been removed from the EB rating system for quite some time. Here is a pilot credit that may offer some guidance:
Ramon Christopher Medrano
September 20, 2023 - 2:34 am
Hi Dave thank with this info
Our project is currently having a study regarding the Minimum energy performance. The nature of our project is MANUFACTURING. Which is not eligible for energy star portfolio manager. Now the project is using Case 2, Option 2: Bench Marking against historical Data.
May we ask for a guideline regarding this for our following queries?
We are hoping to receive a positive feedback regarding this matter.
Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
534 thumbs up
September 24, 2023 - 1:11 pm
here is a link to the v3 calculator:
Minimum Energy Performance Case 2 Calculator v2009 | U.S. Green Building Council (usgbc.org)
I think this is the same in v4, but it has been 10 years since i worked closely with v3 EB.
My recommendation is to schedule a call with LEED Coach to discuss how to complete the calculator to best ensure your path through this prereq is accepected by GBCI.
Good Luck!