Hi All:
Our project is a little bit special, so i wonder whether we can get the scores of EAp2-4. Energy Star Equipment.
Project owner rent 3 floors of a building, and lease it after decoration.
due to that, equipment won't be supplied by the owner, by the way we can submit any Energy Star verified equipment or electronics. But we have a requirement on tenant that they should use equipment that have Energy Star label or relevant local energy-efficiency label.
Is that possible ? Anyone have same experiences?
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5925 thumbs up
August 16, 2016 - 11:02 am
Yes that will ensure that the tenant can meet this requirement if they pursue a CI certification. This prerequisite is related to the tenant scope of work and they need to meet these requirements if they pursue a CI certification.
If you are doing a CS project please post your question in the applicable forum.