hello Marcus,
i am currently designing a navy lodge and it is 66,420 sq ft.its a Four floor building with 12 guestrooms on each floor about 900 sq. ft each.
we have solar panels located on roof which are used for domestic hot water.
this navy lodge is located in Spain US navy base and one of the design criteria we had to meet was to produce 70% of domestic hot water through solar panels.
we have the selection from solar panel rep. i was wondering how to finish the
EAp1 and EAc2 calculations to reflect exact savings.
please advice
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5909 thumbs up
August 5, 2015 - 10:41 am
Someone needs to do the calculations. Often you can get the manufacturer to do them. If your energy modeling software does these calculation you could also do that. It would not be acceptable to calculate the domestic hot water energy use in the modeling software and then assume a 70% reduction. You need to calculate the output of the renewable energy system.
For EAc1 you enter the renewable energy under EAp2 in section 1.8 of the form. This information will automatically populate the EAc2 form. You should also provide the calculations you used and describe the system in the EAc2 form.