Reference calculation is based on 'sqft of the building' .
Does the sqft of the building will have to include the parking area also(example basement parking)
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Jon Clifford
LEEDuser Expert
327 thumbs up
July 7, 2015 - 10:06 pm
LEED treats all parking as exterior space. In fact, LEEDonline Project Information Form 2 prohibits including parking area in the “Total Project Building Gross Floor Area.” The gross floor area entered into PI Form 2 forms the basis for several other prerequisites and credits. LEED Reviewers WILL question you if the area reported in your MRp1 documentation differs from the area listed on PI Form 2.
However, a project’s recycling program should probably include its parking garage. Therefore, when I have had projects with parking garage recycling receptacles, I have itemized the gross floor area and the garage area separately in my MRp1 narrative. This approach avoids creating a conflict in the documentation.