I see nothing in this credit that discusses commingled diversion methodologies or requires monthly diversion rate backup from facilities like the NC rating system. Does this credit like LEED for Homes allow eyeball audit results to be used to substantiate diversion?
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Barry Giles
Founder & CEO, LEED Fellow, BREEAM FellowBuildingWise LLC
LEEDuser Expert
338 thumbs up
April 27, 2015 - 1:23 pm
Michelle. In most cases GBCI accept the audited reports direct from your commingled recycling hauler. The weekly pickups that haulers operate provide for a billing that includes their 'results'. We've found that in most cases that these hauler provided numbers are actually less than what buildings can obtain. Certainly if you are doing better than that approach the hauler for a letter confirming that the recycling rate coming from your building is better than their 'general' reported numbers. (We have one building that has a 98% recycling rate....the letter from the hauler confirming this was accepted by GBCI)
Michelle Rosenberger
523 thumbs up
April 27, 2015 - 1:46 pm
Hi Barry,
Thanks for the quick response. I'm not sure I was clear in my question. The receiver that the building used for their waste provided an audit report that I would not ordinarily consider adequate to document this credit in an NC program. An "eyeball" load audit is not the same as the monthly diversion rate of the facility. The load report is saying 95% based on this gut check method. The monthly diversion rate for this facility is actually 58% for that month. However, LEED for Homes does apparently allow load audit reports provided by the hauler be used as backup, so I don't want to penalize the product for an NC issue. Does EBOM allow this same latitude?
Barry Giles
Founder & CEO, LEED Fellow, BREEAM FellowBuildingWise LLC
LEEDuser Expert
338 thumbs up
April 27, 2015 - 2:36 pm
OK, Here's how we would succeed at this in EBOM. In the 3 month performance period we have had clients that will go and 'eye ball' the commingled wheelie bin just before it's emptied and record the contents and how clean that commingled is. These numbers are racked up and used in the report for the 3 month LEED EBOM initial certification. Obviously this is 'relatively easy' to accomplish in the 3 months period....just not so easy over a longer period.
Michelle Rosenberger
523 thumbs up
April 27, 2015 - 6:32 pm
Okay, that answers my question. Much lower bar than NC. Thank you.