We are working in a project that has a gas-fired boiler that supplies hot water for space heating (radiant floor) and domestic hot water.
Do we need to comply with efficiencies in tables 6.8.1F and 7.8? Or would it be enough just compling with table 6.8.1F?
Thanks in advance.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5911 thumbs up
March 27, 2015 - 1:23 pm
See Table G3.1-11 Baseline (e) for the Baseline requirements.
23 thumbs up
March 27, 2015 - 2:11 pm
Thank you, Markus.
Now that I read my question again I see that I wasn't clear.
What I would like to know is to comply with sections 6.4 and 7.4, therefore with this prerrequisite, does the efficiency of my boiler have to be greater than the values expressed on table 6.8.7F and 7.8? Or just for the one of the tables?
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5911 thumbs up
March 27, 2015 - 2:27 pm
Yes greater than both. The minimum efficiencies are likely to be very similar in both anyway.