In our project the tenant pays a lump sum for thermal energy use, but pays for electricity based on actual consumption. We therefore cannot achieve the 3 points. We currently do not have sub-meters installed to measure the thermal energy.
My question relates the the requirement of the sub-meters to "record" energy use. Can this be done manually or is it necessary for the meter to record the use? If we install thermal meters to get the two points we will still not pay for actual use, so there is little motivation to read these meters regularly.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5924 thumbs up
December 17, 2014 - 9:12 am
I think a manual read would qualify.
I guess my question would be why you would install meters you never intend to use? This is not in alignment with the credit intent and frankly sounds like a point hunting exercise with no effect. If I were the client I would ask why you are wasting my money. Find something else to do in LEED that actually adds value, not just points.
Michael Smithing
Director - Green Building AdvisoryColliers International Ltd.
304 thumbs up
December 17, 2014 - 9:40 pm
Marcus - You're entirely correct. I'm actually not recommending this to the client (because it is a waste of money) but in our report I want to be clear regarding what is possible.
Thanks for the quick response!