My question is regarding the following procedure as outlined in Trace 700 help:

"To determine which ASHRAE baseline system to model, refer to ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2007, Table G3.1.1A (below). You will need the following information to make a proper system selection:

Building type (residential or non-residential)

Building square footage (available on the Building Areas Report)

Number of floors

Building heating source

Here is my QUESTION:

Background - My project is a large data center (all electric heating) that is over 150,000 SF. It is being modeled as New Building C&S. I need to divide up my systems to smaller systems mainly because of the functions of each room or zone and load density (number of floors, data rooms vs. offices vs. support areas, etc.). Per Appendix G, TABLE G3.1.1A: Baseline System Types, I have to use system 8 (VAV with PFP Boxes).

It is not clear to me if the system selection is still based on the TOTAL BUILDING area or based the smaller areas of each system.

Do I still use system 8 for each sub-systems (single zone or group of zones that form the sub-systems) ... or do I have the option to use other systems. and if so what is the criteria?
