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Is it possible to combine Options 1 and 2 for different spaces in the same building?
What spaces are considered regularly occupied and must be included in the calculations?
What daylight simulation software can I use for LEED compliance?
My office space will have cubicles with high partitions. Should I include those in my model?
What types of glare control are acceptable for this credit?
Do I actually need to submit the USGBC Daylight and Quality Views calculator?
Can electrochromic glazing qualify as a glare control device?
Jill Perry, PE
ConsultantJill Perry, LLC
LEEDuser Expert
440 thumbs up
May 27, 2014 - 6:37 pm
Is reference to the IES LM 83 in the User's Guide, because I don't see it in the credit language and don't have a User's Guide yet?
Either way, the program that I know of off the top of my head is Daysim.
It's possible that Autodesk's Green Building Studio, AGi32, IES-VE and/or others do also but I'll need to check.
Julien Richard
Artelia8 thumbs up
June 3, 2014 - 10:34 am
Hi Jill, thanks for your reply
Yes, the reference to IES LM 83 is from the User's Guide. It is the standard which describes the new metrics "sDA" and "ASE" to evaluate the access to daylight.
The problem is that Daysim does not produce a result file with the Annual Sunlight Exposure and I don't know how to get this result with the data provided by Daysim.
Also, for sDA simulation, the methodology requires that all blinds must be modeled and shall close whenever more than 2% of the analysis points receive direct sunlight. I don't know what software can do that.
Eddy Santosa
Director of SustainabilityDBR Engineering Consultants
376 thumbs up
June 12, 2014 - 3:54 pm
Hi Julien,
You probably can take the raw hourly data from daysim and customize with excel. I did with Diva-Radiance. There is shading control in diva-radiance as well. Please see exception page 5 in the IES LM regarding your blind issue. If Diva can't address your need, you can always map manually and do specific calculation per specific time. If I am not mistaken, Diva uses daysim engine so you should have similar output and capability.
Energy Program SpecialistPA DMVA
LEEDuser Expert
890 thumbs up
October 7, 2014 - 3:53 pm
Daysim run in the source code can do it, but its hard and I have never done it myself. Right now there is a plug in for Daysim which allows you to set the function of the shades, which you can produce something similar to the ASE.
Have you looked into the latest version of DIVA for Rhino? If you don't use Rhino, DIVA doesn't help. Release 3 just came out.
Kjell Anderson
Director of Sustainable DesignLMN Architects
5 thumbs up
October 7, 2014 - 4:31 pm
My understanding is that the new version of Diva (3.0, currently in testing) offers a single click LEED Daylighting analysis. The team that developed Diva includes Christoph Reinhardt, who also has been coordinating the devlopment of Daysim.
I'm sure when it debuts it will comply with the LEED requirements as they have a very savvy team at Diva. If you're interested, LMN is soon to publish a blog post with our take on various daylighting software here:
Christopher Jones
Enersave LogisticsSeptember 12, 2015 - 4:56 pm
SPOT Pro meets the reporting requirements for LEED v4 EQ c7. SPOT Pro is a handy interface to Radiance.
Jean Marais
b.i.g. Bechtold DesignBuilder Expert832 thumbs up
September 22, 2015 - 2:22 am
Option1: EnergyPlus can do this with it's daylighting simulation module, which is not a raytracing program. You'll need a bit of experties to bin the's not an automatic report.
Option 2: As far as I know, DesignBuilder are developing this into there radiance module which currently does not support using TMW weather files, but uses the normal radiance sky condition types.
Doing a clearsky as per the old v3 radiance method AND an annual e+ daylighting simulation could capture the best of both worlds...perhaps some sort of combo from option 1 & 2 is the best solution.
Otherwise, I hear "DIVA & Rhino" can do this.
Mugdha Mokashi
August 8, 2016 - 3:54 pm
I am considering using SPOT pro for daylight analysis to show compliance with LEED v4. Can SPOT pro create buildings which have offsets in their geometry or can it create only rectangular blocks?
Energy Program SpecialistPA DMVA
LEEDuser Expert
890 thumbs up
August 9, 2016 - 10:42 am
Latest version of Spot Pro will let you do more than just boxes. Watch their tutorials.