Ever since the misprint in the original LEED 2009 EBOM Reference Manual, we here in San Francisco have had to answer a lot of questions from confused LEED APs re: our pesticide lists. Many thanks to Trista and others for helping to clear this up. Please see our web page at:
for further clarification.

I would like to recommend that whoever maintains this page correct the flow chart and text to remove the words "Reduced-Risk Pesticide List," which is NOT the appropriate reference (it is a list only for City government properties). I would also offer my whole-hearted agreement with Jason: The credit does not require the use of Tier III products, and the use of Tier III products does not mean that you are practicing integrated pest management. As a matter of fact, as an IPM professional I can tell you that in many situations you will need to use some other products for effective management - for example, in cockroach baits. IPM is a decision making process that begins with prevention, and leaves pesticides - all pesticides - as a last resort.
(Chris Geiger, with Mark Palmer)