An owner has decided to provide low-emitting vehicles for a car sharing program in the new construction project. There are 200 full time employees and 100 part time employees with 25 peak visitors a day. How many cars should be included in the program?
I know that I have to get the FTE occupants and divide by 267. The answer for this problem is 1. My question is Are only 250 occupants counted as FTE in this question, or is it 250 + the 25 peak visitors? (If this were the case, 2 cars would be needed, right?)
Thank you for any advising!
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
February 24, 2014 - 7:59 am
Farah, these credit requirements you are referring to are about FTE, not visitors.