We have often run across clients who want VIP parking, recently we had a question about whether a VIP parking space that is listed as "VIP - FEV+LEV Only" would comply - the company has a CEO who definitely wants his front door space, but would be willing to get a LEV/FEV /EV to keep it. OK by LEED? Or does he need to park in one of the more egalitarian FEV/LEV spaces?
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Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
January 16, 2014 - 9:30 pm
Jonathan, so I guess this takes "preferred parking" to a whole new level, eh?I'd say what this questions boils down to is, can a building put restrictions on LE/FE preferred parking, above and beyond presence of a LE/FE vehicle? In this case the additional restriction = must be CEO.If the project wanted to put a higher environmental standard on those spaces, e.g. must be LE/FE, and a carpool vehicle, they should be able to do that (like states setting higher efficiency standards than the feds), although I don't think LEED would smile upon it. I don't think LEED would want those spaces to be overly exclusive.So to my mind, restricting a preferred parking space to one particular individual kind of confuses the definition of "preferred" and the reward for any old person driving a LE/FE vehicle.Perhaps you can make the VIP space LE/FE but also include an extra space so that you're exceeding the total requirements. Hopefully all the spaces are preferable enough so that the one by the door doesn't reduce the preferability of the rest.
Kathryn West
LEED AP BD+C, O+M, Green Globes ProfessionalJLL
154 thumbs up
January 17, 2014 - 8:52 am
I agree that it would be good to include an extra space (as Tristan describes in the last paragraph of his answer) and also maybe describe that you'd take away the VIP space if the next CEO doesn't have an LE/FE vehicle. Also if the CEO wants to drive their old car one day, would anyone stop him/her from parking there? Sometimes LEED reviewers let you document these types of commitments in a signed letter. Let us know how in turns out!
Jonathan Weiss
Jacobs Buildings & Infrastructure215 thumbs up
January 21, 2014 - 1:04 pm
Will do. We are actually lobbying to move the VIP space(s) so they are good but not quite as good as the LEV spaces (e.g. the intent of the credit). We may actually go the route of providing electric vehicle charging stations for 3% of the spaces instead, since they do not seem to require the same location limitations.No such thing as an easy point, I guess...