We are renovating a 60,000 sq ft office building in SF. In permitting our base building work, we were able to prove to the city that our scope does not trigger the city mandated LEED Gold requirement. However, we may get a single tenant to occupy the building, in which case their TI permit may trigger the LEED Gold requirement.
If the base building does not have a LEED Cerification, would the tenant still be able to achieve a LEED-CI Gold rating? Our project will be very green, basically a LEED-CS Silver equivalent (we just have no intention of pursuing the LEED process ourselves). Thanks
Lauren Wallace
LEED Project Reviewer, LEED AP BD+C, Senior LEED SpecialistCertifications Department Manager, Epsten Group, Inc.
39 thumbs up
December 17, 2013 - 2:29 pm
The tenant could absolutely attempt CI without being in a CS base building. Locating themselves in a CS building would only help them to achieve more points. This is why LEED certified buildings are more easily marketable to tenants who are seeking CI certification. Hope that helps!