We are confused on how to pursue this credit for buildings with rainwater reuse systems. Rainwater is specifically mentioned as one of the eligible non-potable water sources listed under OPTION 2 Reuse. However, from what we have read into NSF 350, it seems like this standard is geared more towards "wastewater" systems in the traditional sense of wastewater (i.e. anything going down the drain from toilets, urinals, kitchen equipment, and the like that would normally be collected in the sanitary sewer system).

Can someone clarify what requirements within the NSF 350 standard would be applicable to our rainwater system? The rainwater is being reused both for flushing and cooling tower make-up water. We are meeting all applicable local requirements for filtration, chlorination, color dying, pipe labeling, etc - but it is unclear what else we have to do to demonstrate compliance with the NSF 350 Standard.

Many Thanks