For this credit, do the interior spaces have to be located with in the LEED project boundary?
Can existing places of respite be used for multiple LEED projects?
Forum discussion
Healthcare-v2009 SSc9.1: Connection to the natural world - places of respite
For this credit, do the interior spaces have to be located with in the LEED project boundary?
Can existing places of respite be used for multiple LEED projects?
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Susan Walter
HDRLEEDuser Expert
1296 thumbs up
May 23, 2013 - 1:31 pm
Good question. I don't see anywhere where it says it must be within the project boundary. It would be analagous to the showers outside the project boundary. You would probably have to treat is like a campus amenity and then allocate your project's portion to the amenity. You may want to call the GBCI on approach. They may require you to limit access to the area with signage if it is not large enough for the entire hospital, again similar to alt transportation signage.
Candace Small
4 thumbs up
May 23, 2013 - 4:57 pm
I am interested in knowing if a place of respite can be used twice as LEED is starting to limit counting one item for multiple projects.
Mara Baum
Partner, Architecture & SustainabilityDIALOG
674 thumbs up
August 9, 2013 - 2:25 pm
Generally LEED doesn't allow you to double dip for things like this. I expect that the place of respite would need to be large enough to serve both populations regardless of whether or not the other building was pursuing LEED. This is similar to the approach for shared campus bike racks, parking, etc.