I have to model a heat pump that outside the building exchanges heat with the external air and it exchanges heat with the building, i.e. with the internal part of the HVAC plant, thorough water. The heat pump works both in heating mode (winter season) and in cooling mode (summer season). Now I am interested in understanding what mandatory provisions shall be respected for the cooling mode. The building is in Italy and the heat pump was produced in Italy, therefore no certification according to ASHRAE standards exists. I think that I have to consider Table 6.8.1C “air cooled, with condenser, electrically operated”, therefore Minimum Efficiency: 2.80 COP, 3.05 IPLV. Test procedure is presented in ANSI/AHRI standard 550/590. I would like to contact the producer of the heat pump and to request the COP for a particular condition. The problem is that in Table 2 of ANSI/AHRI standard 550/590 very broad ranges are used: for leaving temperature 36.0 to 60.0 °F, for entering air dry bulb 55.0 to 125.0 °F (air cooled). For what temperatures shall the comparison with the minimum efficiency be made? In such broad ranges the performance can change a lot.
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Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5924 thumbs up
February 15, 2013 - 9:27 am
I have run into these systems before internationally and I do not think that an air to water heat pump is directly covered in the 6.8.1 tables. If the equipment type is not explicitly listed in the 6.8.1 tables then it is not covered by the standard and has no minimum performance requirement. This issue is covered in the User's Manual page 6-12.
An air cooled chiller is not the same as a heat pump so I do not think 6.8.1C applies. The only component that may be covered is the air cooled condenser in Table 6.8.1G. If that applies just make sure your system complies.
Francesco Passerini
engineer90 thumbs up
April 8, 2013 - 9:39 am
I’m sorry to take up this topic after many weeks, but Table 6.8.1G refers to ARI 460 (the new version is ANSI/AHRI Standard 460) and an engineer of manufacturer has observed that ANSI/AHRI Standard 460 is relative to “Remote Mechanical-Draft Air-Cooled Refrigerant Condenser (Air-Cooled Condenser). A factory-made encased unit which is intended for connection in the field by means of refrigerant piping, and which includes a means for forced-air circulation and elements by which heat is transferred from refrigerant to air. The purpose of this unit is to condense refrigerant vapor by rejecting heat to the air” while the reversible heat pump that I’m considering is not a remote condenser. In fact in an unique equipment there is the whole vapor-compression refrigeration cycle.
Does it mean that for such an equipment no mandatory provisions shall be met?
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5924 thumbs up
April 8, 2013 - 10:05 am
If the equipment type is not explicitly listed in the 6.8.1 tables then it is not covered by the standard and has no minimum performance requirement. Just make the case in a narrative that the equipment is not covered.