RefGuide says in page 373 "In the case of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) used in concrete recycled from other operations, the recycled content value can be based on the mass of the cementitious materials only, rather than on the entire concrete mix".

I just want to make sure I'm getting this right. So we have a concrete mix made out of cement, crushed stone, water, sand, and additives. Only the cement has recycled content - recycled pre-consumer - and let's say it weights 1000kg. The cement represents 10% of the composition, so 100kg. 53% of the 100kg of cement is recycled, which leads to 5,3% x 1/2 (since is pre-consumer) of 100kg = 2,65kg of recycled content from the total concrete mix.

On the other hand, if I consider only the cementitious material instead of the entire concrete mix, I will have then 100kg of cement, from which 53% is pre-conumer recycled content, which leads to 26,5% x 100kg = 26,5kg. 10 times more! Is that what the RefGuide is saying?
