We just had this credit denied in our Design and Construction Final Review. We provided all of the required documentation, but the final comment came back stating that we failed to provide "the adhesive used within the project to bond the laminate to the wood substrate". Review comments below:

Please provide a revised Credit Form confirming that the laminating adhesives used contain no added urea-formaldehyde, along with manufacturer product data highlighted to verify that this adhesive contains no added urea-formaldehyde resins.
DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION FINAL REVIEW - The LEED Credit Form has been revised and a response narrative and manufacturer documentation for Nevamar laminate and 3Form have been provided to address the issue outlined in the Preliminary Review. However, the adhesive used within the project to bond the laminate to the wood substrate has not been provided as required. The documentation does not demonstrate credit compliance.

The problem with this determination is that the laminate was not bonded with an adhesive to the wood substrate onsite. We provided all of the laminate adhesives used by the manufacturer, but as the top was not bonded by an adhesive to the wood substrate, we had no other adhesive to submit. Additionally, we provided the silicone adhesive used to adhere/seal the solid surface tops, under IEQc4.1, so I am confused as to why we are asked to provide a field applied adhesive under IEQc4.4.

We are still going to achieve the desired level of certification, so we will not be appealing this, but I want to be sure I fully understand the requirements of this credit for future submissions. We would sincerely appreciate any guidance you can provide. Thank You