This is going to keep occuring. There are probably a dozen more States right now that SFI is activly lobbying to end LEED. We can already hear the arguements being made over and over again. If jobs is the motivator behind this legislation then FSC is going to need to get ahead of it.
- Create a list of forest acres and jobs by FSC certification on a State by State basis.
- How much State tax is collected from FSC vs SFI land.
- Show where the FSC wood originated from for the last 10 State owned LEED projects. Prove it's domestic wood. Bonus if it's from the same State. Can SFI ever prove this level of source accuracy?
- FSC needs to step up their branding efforts. I still couldn't explain the differences to someone else if my life depended on it. Paula gave me a couple links a few months ago in one of the articles and it didn't help my understanding at all. If the branding just boils down to who you trust then you've lost the political war because money buys favor.
- Well intentioned politicians do try to be fair. If all they see is one standard getting prefered treatment with no justification or seen benefit they will absolutely push for equality between the various standards. Sell why FSC is better for the State in terms that matter to politicians. Is it a choice between jobs today at any cost, or jobs today and jobs tomorrow for our children?
- Tell the politicians that if SFI is misleading about FSC not being American wood, then what else are they misleading about? Fool me once...

p.s. - I've noticed many people seem to have an opinion that "fair news" is just a stenograph repeating what they are told. Challenging what I say or going more indepth means you are now biased. If I say the sky is pink then you better report that there is still an on going debate about what the color of the sky is. Picking sides is unfair and below a true news organization.