We are being challenged by the modification to IEQc8.1 Option 1 Simulation from May 9th, 2011, which replaced the entire section. The question is regarding how to determine the 75% that is compliant with new credit requirements. I will demonstarte below. Say we have a building of four quadrants: [1][2][3][4] where each number in brackets represents one quadrant (25% of building area). Also, say [D] represents a quadrant that is between 10 FC and less than 500 FC. [X] represents a non-compliant space. Consider this example: at 9am the building looks like this: [D][D][D][X] and at 3pm the building looks like this: [X][D][D][D]. Does the wording in IEQc8.1 Addenda ("spaces that do not meet the daylight illumination levels at both times do not qualify") indicate this design is not compliant - because when looked at in union, the result = [X][D][D][X] = 50%, which is not compliant?