We have a signed lease to proceed with a tenant imrovement in a multi-occupant EBOM Gold buidling. We are occupying less than 50% of the building, and construction is taking place in a portion of the building that is shell-space (meaning, no demolition is required).

We just completed CDs yesterday, and the landlord tells us that we need to change all our specs to: include fsc certified wood, ensure no added urea-formaldehyde, cri carpet, etc etc, and comply w/ IEQc1.5.

We are out of the 'performance period', but the landlord seems to think that, for re-certification of the building in the future, we must be in full compliance with their original credit submissions.

Is this true? Does every tenant that occupies an EBOM building have to comply to the buidlings' goals, or are tenants considered outside the control of the Facility, and therefor out of the scope of EBOM certification?