Our project is located in an extremely dusty location outside of the U.S. with very light annual rainfall. The project footprint is about 30% of the overall site. The rest of the site is exposed soil (this is mostly due to the natural condition of the site, not construction activities.) Landscaping and parking facilities will occur at later stages. We are working with the contractor to meet their LEED requirements and the dust issue keeps coming up, both from our side and from the client. We have an ESC plan in place (site watering, fencing, wind breaks, and housekeeping as well as some erosion measures) and all are being done routinely and often.
We are also trying to earn MR2 Exemplary Performance by diverting 95% of the construction waste. In order to do this, we need to crush the concrete waste. We have a crusher on site that does this but it creates a significant amount of dust. We have tried reducing this dust (extra watering, only operating during low/no wind days) but are still having a problem.
There are no applicable local laws similar to EPA CGP.
Are there Air Quality Standards (PM10 parts per million limits for example) in the EPA CGP? Everything I have been able to find in this standard relates to water issues, not air.
If no specific air quality issues are part of compliance with SSp1, is it your view that the BMPs we are implementing are sufficient to demonstrate compliance? Are further structural solutions for the crusher (we are thinking of enclosing the crusher in a large sheet metal shed or similar) required or suggested?
Any ideas or experience with this is appreciated.
Steve Loppnow
Sustainability Account ManagerStok
LEEDuser Expert
294 thumbs up
November 2, 2011 - 7:32 pm
I would say that your efforts are on the right track and that any further BMPs that you can implement to support the intent of SSp1 (reduce pollution from construction activities by controlling...airborne dust generation) would be appropriate, including enclosing the crusher. I'm not aware of any specific air quality standards in the EPA CGP. Sounds like you have a challenging site but that your implementation of BMPs is on the right track.