What is the difference between these two categories? Demolition debris counts towards waste management and land-clearing doesn't. But how do these two differ from each other?
For example a lot that is partially covered with concrete slab and in other parts of the lot there are some concrete foundations deep in the ground. If I need to get rid of it is it considered demolition debris or land clearing debris?
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LEEDuser Expert
623 thumbs up
November 8, 2011 - 3:07 pm
Petr, please note that the definition for Construction and Demolition debris includes a description of land-clearing debris. It further notes that renovation, demolition, or deconstruction relates to preexisting structures. It states, “Construction and demolition debris includes waste and recyclables generated from construction and from the renovation, demolition, or deconstruction of preexisting structures. It does not include land-clearing debris, such as soil, vegetation, and rocks.” My take on your situation is that the concrete slab and foundations are part of preexisting structures and therefore, you would count as demolition waste – not land-clearing debris – as part of your MRc2 calculations.