Our semi industrial building's production area does not have cooling system, Proposed model simulated based on ASHRAE 90.1-2007, Table G3.1, 10. HVAC No. d “Where system exists or no cooling system has been specified the cooling system shall be identical to the system modeled in the baseline building design”. Thus, proposed model simulated with same baseline efficiency, capacity as well as Fan power. Regarding of Proposed model heating system, it has actual equipment and associated efficiency, capacity and Fan Power. The Fan power from Cooling (based on baseline model) and the Fan power from Heating (Actual HVAC Equipment) conflict each other and I used Fan Power from Cooling (based on baseline model) since Cooling requires higher air flow rate. One of review comment is “ match the Fan Power with actual HVAC schedule” . If I match the fan power based on actual HVAC schedule, proposed Cooling system is not identical system to baseline cooling system and it would increase fan power energy saving. If I do either way, It does not meet requirement of ASHRAE 90.1-2007, Table G3.1, 10. HVAC No. a or d. What would be the solution for this?