We are working on TAIPEI 101--2 million SF and over 100 tenants--as an EBOM project and have conducted an extensive survey with over 3,500 responses, which is > 30% of the building tenants. We have also pinpointed many of the causes of the temperature complaints, which result from some of the tenants' interior designers locating ALL of the thermostats for a multi-thousand square foot floorplate on ONE wall tucked away where no one can see them! (They're ugly...don't you understand?) Anyway most of these tenants won't let the building relocate the thermostats or undertake any measures to improve the acoustics, effectively rendering their options zero. The Reference Guide states that "pinpoint[ing] the problem" can be considered a "corrective action". We're planning on asserting that by sharing the results with the office managers and offering to help fix the problem that we've "corrected" the issue. Has anyone encountered a similar issue and received specific guidance from GBCI/their reviewer?