Our project is located on a governement park and the way employees move around the park is by an elect. golf cart. If our building provides a 'fuel station' to charge the golf carts would this count towards SSC4.3 Opt 2? Also if we provide 3% of the FTE with elect golf carts (Zero Emission Vehicle) would this count?
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Ryan Gaylord
DirectorCTG Energetics, Inc.
49 thumbs up
July 27, 2010 - 7:56 pm
I think the answer depends on how your employees arrive to work each day. For example, do they use personal vehicles to arrive on-site, and then golf carts are used for on-site transportation only? If a parking lot for employee vehicles exists, this lot would require either a sufficient number of preferred parking spaces or vehicle charging stations for LEVs. If option 3 is pursued, I'm not certain that a golf cart would be considered as an acceptable means for transporting employees to and from the building site unless special conditions exist.
Tristan Roberts
RepresentativeVermont House of Representatives
LEEDuser Expert
11478 thumbs up
July 27, 2010 - 8:32 pm
I think Ryan is spot on, but perhaps the golf carts could contribute to an Exemplary Performance initative to quantifiably reduce overall car use?
Anya Fiechtl
ArchitectBuro Happold
74 thumbs up
August 18, 2015 - 8:14 pm
Our client wants to use electric vehicles to transport staff and visitors within their 15+ sq.mile remote natural campus. They plan to purchase a few electric vehicles similar to golf carts (4-6 ppl), and a shuttle (for 20+ ppl).
The company that makes these vehicles has a street legal (neighborhood electric vehicle) model classified as ZEV under the California Air and Resources Board. The same vehicle is available in a non-street legal option, for which the ZEV program would be non-applicable. The only difference is the absence of accessories such as turn signals, brake lights, horn, seatbelts, etc.
Can we infer that the non-street legal models would meet the ZEV classification for the LEED intent?
Does this approach meet the intent of the LEED credit, by eliminating vehicle traffic across a large campus?”